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  • The scientific and practical workshop "Field Day - 2014"

The scientific and practical workshop "Field Day - 2014"

The scientific and practical workshop "Field Day - 2014"

In the Mikhnovka village of the Smolensk district there was an annual scientific and practical workshop "Field Day" held on the basis of the experimental field of the Smolensk State Academy of Agriculture.

For the Regional Administration the issue of supporting agro-industrial sector is a priority. That's why Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy pays special attention to the social development of the rural areas and the consolidation of perspective workforce there: houses for young professionals are being constructed; gasification of the rural settlements is being carried out.

The scientific and practical workshop "Field Day" is held annually to share experience of developing the promising areas of agriculture, to stimulate the implementation of investment projects and the introduction of efficient resource-saving technology to the agriculture sector. The head of the region traditionally participated in the workshop.


In the Mikhnovka village of the Smolensk district there was an annual scientific and practical workshop "Field Day" held on the basis of the experimental field of the Smolensk State Academy of Agriculture.

For the Regional Administration the issue of supporting agro-industrial sector is a priority. That's why Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy pays special attention to the social development of the rural areas and the consolidation of perspective workforce there: houses for young professionals are being constructed; gasification of the rural settlements is being carried out.

The scientific and practical workshop "Field Day" is held annually to share experience of developing the promising areas of agriculture, to stimulate the implementation of investment projects and the introduction of efficient resource-saving technology to the agriculture sector. The head of the region traditionally participated in the workshop.

Alexey Ostrovskiy thanked the farmers for their devotion and love for their native land, for the experience and knowledge that allow them to achieve great results, get good harvest in difficult weather conditions, contributing to the coffers of the Homeland and the region.

At the workshop Alexey Ostrovskiy presented the best specialists of the agro-industrial sector of Smolensk region with the Acknowledgements from the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and with the Letters of Appreciation from the Governor.

After the opening ceremony of the "Field Day" Alexey Ostrovskiy together with the other participants of the workshop - the heads of the municipalities, agricultural production veterans, representatives of the branches of the federal agencies of the Agriculture Ministry of Russia, heads and specialists of the agricultural enterprises, farmers and others involved in the agricultural business – examined the achievements of the leading seed farms of the Smolensk district, prospective directions of seed production development. Right there there was a fair with the stalls where there were generously provided samples of the agricultural products for tasting.

More than 80 new promising varieties (hybrids) of crops were presented at the fair. It is obvious that to make agriculture efficient it is necessary to increase productivity. But without modern equipment and advanced technology it is hardly possible.

At the workshop there was a presentation of the experimental plots of the agro-ecological and technological crop trials in the crop rotation. Promising scientific research is conducted by the postgraduates and students under the supervision of the faculty members of the Smolensk State Academy of Agriculture.

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