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  • The companies and businessmen provide real help for the refugees from Ukraine

The companies and businessmen provide real help for the refugees from Ukraine

The companies and businessmen provide real help for the refugees from Ukraine

The Administration of Smolensk region initiated a general meeting of the members of the regional employers' Association "Scientific and Industrial Union ", the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the noncommercial partnership “The union of builders of Smolensk region”.

The meeting, which was attended by the Deputy Governor – Administrative Department of the Regional Administration Lev Platonov, the Deputy Governor Nikolai Kuznetsov, the representatives of the Migration Service, tax authorities, pension fund, discussed the issues of providing further practical assistance to the refugees from Ukraine.


The Administration of Smolensk region initiated a general meeting of the members of the regional employers' Association "Scientific and Industrial Union ", the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the noncommercial partnership “The union of builders of Smolensk region”.

The meeting, which was attended by the Deputy Governor – Administrative Department of the Regional Administration Lev Platonov, the Deputy Governor Nikolai Kuznetsov, the representatives of the Migration Service, tax authorities, pension fund, discussed the issues of providing further practical assistance to the refugees from Ukraine.

The people of Smolensk, as well as the entire Russian population, are watching anxiously the development of the situation in the south-east of Ukraine. Today the civilians are being killed there. Fighting, unleashed by Kiev, forces civilians to leave their homes. To save their lives, Ukrainian citizens cross the state border of the Russian Federation and go to the Russian regions, including Smolensk. Of course, the residents of Smolensk couldn’t stay indifferent to others' pain and tragedy: they take the refugees to their families, raise money and food, and provide them with humanitarian assistance. The situation with IDPs is coordinated by a special working group set up by order of the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy.

Internally displaced people are taken to the social service agencies that have become sites of temporary accommodation. They provide refugees with food, clothing and medical care. The support for the people who fled the war zone is provided by all the caring people of Smolensk. After all, our countrymen have always been sympathetic towards the misfortunes of others and ready to give a helping hand.

The Employers’ Association "Scientific and Industrial Union", the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the noncommercial partnership "The union of builders of Smolensk region" are supporting the efforts of Smolensk regional Administration and the heads of the municipalities, who are focusing efforts on offering the citizens of Ukraine accommodation, solving their health and social problems, providing psychological and employment assistance.

The participants expressed their unanimous confidence that the employers and businessmen of Smolensk region will continue to support the refugees.

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