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  • The head of the region examined the implementation of the investment projects in the Roslavl district

The head of the region examined the implementation of the investment projects in the Roslavl district

The head of the region examined the implementation of the investment projects in the Roslavl district

In 2011, in the rural settlement Horoshovskoe in the Roslavl district the first stage of the pig-breeding complex for 24,800 heads of pigs LLC "Bekon" was built. At present, the construction of the second stage is in progress. Alexey Ostrovskiy checked upon the implementation of the investment project while visiting the district. Also during the trip, the Head of the region visited another company - OJSC "Bread warehouse No47", located in the rural settlement Oster.

The implementation of the investment project for the construction of the pig-breeding complex LLC "Bekon" began in February, 2011, but in 2013 it was temporarily suspended due to the financial difficulties. The project is aimed at enlarging the volume of the agricultural production by increasing the number of pigs of the hybrid breed that is remarkable for its small amount of fat and a good offspring. According to the director of LLC "Bekon", all products of the company will be sold within the region.


In 2011, in the rural settlement Horoshovskoe in the Roslavl district the first stage of the pig-breeding complex for 24,800 heads of pigs LLC "Bekon" was built. At present, the construction of the second stage is in progress. Alexey Ostrovskiy checked upon the implementation of the investment project while visiting the district. Also during the trip, the Head of the region visited another company - OJSC "Bread warehouse No47", located in the rural settlement Oster.

The implementation of the investment project for the construction of the pig-breeding complex LLC "Bekon" began in February, 2011, but in 2013 it was temporarily suspended due to the financial difficulties. The project is aimed at enlarging the volume of the agricultural production by increasing the number of pigs of the hybrid breed that is remarkable for its small amount of fat and a good offspring. According to the director of LLC "Bekon", all products of the company will be sold within the region.

Launching the first stage of the agricultural complex, where the production process is organized by the German technology and fully automated, is planned for the end of this year, 350 million rubles is going to be invested. By the end of 2015 it is planned to complete the construction of the whole pig-breeding complex with the investment fund of 467.5 million rubles.

When visiting the LLC "Bekon" the Governor and the director of the pig-breeding complex discussed the issues of the regional government providing the company with assistance in the form of subsidies.

Another major agro-industrial enterprise of the region is of OJSC "Bread warehouse No47", located in the rural settlement Oster. The company, employing 100 people, is engaged in storage of the food reserve of the country. Since 2008 till present time "Bread warehouse No 47" has had a government contract with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on the storage of grain of the "State Intervention Fund" in the amount of 50 thousand tons. In addition, the company carries out processing (unloading, uploading and storage) of various types of goods, provides agency services for documentary support, customs clearance.

On the premises of the company there is a shop producing up to 100 tons of animal feed per day, and up to 80 tons of "full-fat extruded soybean" per day.

At present OJSC "Bread warehouse No47" together with LLC "Greynlyuks" created in 2010 in the Roslavl district and producing and selling vegetable oils, oil cakes) are carrying out the oilseed processing in the district. The total investment volume of the project, which is to be implemented in 2013-2017, will amount to 480 million rubles.

Already, in the course of the investment project implementation, 31 jobs have been created; production of oils has been carried out. As of April 1, 1,137.6 tons of rapeseed oil and 827.07 tons of rapeseed cake, 482.8 tons of sunflower oil and 713.66 tons of sunflower oil cake have been shipped.

In 2014, it is planned to expand the production line of the press-shop to the performance of up to 220 tons a day, to expand oil storage up to 2500 m3, to purchase grain drying equipment and complex, winnowing-shop, as well as to retrofit the warehouse complex to be automated. The investments in primary production in 2014 will amount to 100 million rubles.

By 2017, LLC "Greynlyuks" is planning to build an in-depth oils processing shop, an oil extraction shop with the increased volume of processing up to 500 tons per day, an oils packing shop, as well as to purchase vehicles and railway rolling stock.

Talking to the management of the company Alexey Ostrovskiy noted that rape is an important crop, cultivating which would become a great part of the agriculture structure of Smolensk region. However, as noted by the panelists – the Head of the Regional Agriculture and Food Department, as well as the director of the company - despite the fact that the cultivation of this crop is promising, it has not taken its niche in the agriculture of the Smolensk district yet. Moreover the cultivation of rapeseed requires large financial investments and efforts of the professionals. In the meantime, Smolensk manufacturers are more focused on the dairy and meat farming.

The issue of rape-growing farms, including their co-operation, will be one of the main topics of the meeting with the agricultural producers, which in the near future will be chaired by Alexey Ostrovskiy.

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