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  • Alexey Ostrovskiy attended the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation

Alexey Ostrovskiy attended the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation

Alexey Ostrovskiy attended the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation

Today in Moscow there was a meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation, where President Vladimir Putin discussed with the heads of the subjects the issues of developing Russian business and making it more competitive on the global market in terms of Russia's membership in the WTO. Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy participated in the meeting.

There were also Government members, heads of the relevant ministries and agencies, of the economy sector, representatives of the business community and business associations at the meeting of the State Council.

The meeting considered the aspects that directly affect the state of the Russian business and its position in foreign markets, taking into account the introduced anti-Russian sanctions: the ability of import replacement and technological renovation, adaptation of the regional economy to the WTO rules, financial stability and long-term development programs for the leading enterprises.


Today in Moscow there was a meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation, where President Vladimir Putin discussed with the heads of the subjects the issues of developing Russian business and making it more competitive on the global market in terms of Russia's membership in the WTO. Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy participated in the meeting.

There were also Government members, heads of the relevant ministries and agencies, of the economy sector, representatives of the business community and business associations at the meeting of the State Council.

The meeting considered the aspects that directly affect the state of the Russian business and its position in foreign markets, taking into account the introduced anti-Russian sanctions: the ability of import replacement and technological renovation, adaptation of the regional economy to the WTO rules, financial stability and long-term development programs for the leading enterprises.

According to Vladimir Putin, in the current circumstances, the efforts of the authorities at all levels should focus on the development of the real sector of the economy. It should be done through increasing loans accessibility and creating new conditions for doing business that would be internationally competitive.

The President said that the main goal of the authorities at any level should be to implement the import replacement policy and to use one of the major competitive advantages of Russia – its vast home market.

The Head of State emphasized that the implementation of the import replacement is possible only if the competitiveness of the Russian industry is increased, which is necessary to achieve in one and a half-two years. The ability of the domestic products to meet the needs of the population will depend on the volume of production, as well as their competitiveness in quality and price in comparison with the foreign ones.

A special role in increasing the competitiveness is given to the regional authorities. The issue of developing the agro-industrial area in conditions of limited import of foreign products will be one of the main ones on the agenda of the extended meeting of Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy with agricultural producers of the region.

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