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The meeting of the Economy and Investment Council at the Administration of Smolensk region

The meeting of the Economy and Investment Council at the Administration of Smolensk region

Deputy Governor Igor Skobelev presided at the meeting of the Economy and Investment Council at the Administration of Smolensk region.

The head of the Economic Development Department Victor Kozhevnikov presented a forecast of socio-economic development of the region for the next three years. The forecast includes the list of strategic planning documents, which, in addition to the state programs in the region, is developed on a regular basis and goes through public discussion. While developing the forecast the survey of the largest enterprises of the industrial sector of the region, producing three quarters of the industrial production, was conducted.


Deputy Governor Igor Skobelev presided at the meeting of the Economy and Investment Council at the Administration of Smolensk region.

The head of the Economic Development Department Victor Kozhevnikov presented a forecast of socio-economic development of the region for the next three years. The forecast includes the list of strategic planning documents, which, in addition to the state programs in the region, is developed on a regular basis and goes through public discussion. While developing the forecast the survey of the largest enterprises of the industrial sector of the region, producing three quarters of the industrial production, was conducted.

The share of the industrial sector in the economy of the region amounts to more than 30%. In the structure of industrial production the largest share belongs to production and redistribution of electricity, gas, water, chemical industry, food production, electrical equipment production, jewelry production.

The main macroeconomic indicator is the dynamics of the gross regional product. In 2012, GRP amounted to 201.3 billion rubles, with an increase of 4.2%. In 2013, the estimated growth of GRP is 3.1%.

The Economic Development Department forecasts the growth in food production, which is connected with launching the new companies: "Ostankino Meat Processing Plant" in the Gagarin district, "Varnitsa" in the Kardymovo district, the meat processing plant in the Safonovo district. The metallurgical production ("Casting and Rolling Plant", "Arcade"), wood processing (Igorevsky Woodworking Plant, LLC "EGGER Drevprodukt Gagarin", instrument production (OJSC "Izmeritel" will improve their share in the structure of processing industries. There will be a significant growth of vehicles production (OJSC "Smolensk Aircraft Plant", OJSC "Roslavlsky Car Repair Plant".

The implementation of a number of the major projects in 2016-2017 will help to increase the volume of investment. The growth rate of investment in the fixed assets in 2016 is forecast at 105.75 per cent, in 2017 - 104.67 percent.

During the meeting it was noted that nominal salary will increase at the average for Russia rate. In 2014, it is 22,242 rubles, the forecast for 2015 is 23,813 rubles, for 2016 - 25,663, for 2017 - 27,863.

The participants of the meeting actively discussed the socio-economic development of the region. During the discussion it was suggested to finalize a number of sections of the forecast.

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