On the eve of the two important dates – the Memorial Day of the killed enforcement officers and officers of the Interior Troops of Russia (November, 8) and the Day of the Police (November, 10) there was an opening ceremony of the Memorial to Law Enforcement Officers killed on duty in front of the Cultural Center of the Directorate of the Internal Affairs Ministry of Russia in Smolensk region. Also today, there was a ceremony of laying a capsule with a message to the future generations of the police officers of the region and presenting the Banner to regional Directorate of the Internal Affairs Ministry of Russia. The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Arkady Gostev and Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy attended the events.
The Monument to the Law Enforcement Officers was set up on the initiative of the Head of the regional Directorate of the Internal Affairs Ministry Mikhail Skokov with the support of the Administration of Smolensk region and the Head of the region Alexey Ostrovskiy. Possible financial assistance for the construction of the memorial was provided by the residents of Smolensk region.
More than 300 names of the law enforcement officers of Smolensk region killed on duty or missing since 1918 to the present time have been identified so far. Wreaths and flowers were laid at the Memorial in memory of the soldiers of law enforcement killed on duty.