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The Governor examined the work of the healthcare institutions of the region

The Governor examined the work of the healthcare institutions of the region

Alexey Ostrovskiy signed an order of the Administration of Smolensk region on the introduction of monthly payments to certain categories of employees of the regional public healthcare institutions. The Governor said about that during his visit to the Regional Vascular Center.

The payments of 10 thousand rubles a month will be received by the anesthesiologists and resuscitation specialist, heads of the anesthesiology and resuscitation departments of regional public healthcare institutions. The payments of 5,000 rubles a month will be received by anesthesiology nurses, including senior anesthesiology nurses of the departments, regional public healthcare institutions. The order applies to legal relations arising from November 1, 2014.


Alexey Ostrovskiy signed an order of the Administration of Smolensk region on the introduction of monthly payments to certain categories of employees of the regional public healthcare institutions. The Governor said about that during his visit to the Regional Vascular Center.

The payments of 10 thousand rubles a month will be received by the anesthesiologists and resuscitation specialist, heads of the anesthesiology and resuscitation departments of regional public healthcare institutions. The payments of 5,000 rubles a month will be received by anesthesiology nurses, including senior anesthesiology nurses of the departments, regional public healthcare institutions. The order applies to legal relations arising from November 1, 2014.

The Regional Vascular Center (RVC) is comprised of the cardiology department for treatment and early rehabilitation of patients with acute myocardial infarction with 30 beds, the neurological department for treatment and early rehabilitation of stroke patients for 30 beds, the lab of endovascular methods of diagnosis and treatment, the neurosurgical surgery for emergency operations on patients with vascular disease, the consultative and diagnostic department.

All the divisions of the center work around the clock to provide specialized and high-tech surgical care to the population of Smolensk region.

Every year in the departments of the RVC around 1,800 people are treated, about 1,000 of them are patients with various forms of coronary heart disease and 600-800stroke patients. The patients are operated on in the intravascular and open ways.

Next Alexey Ostrovskiy visited the office of a general practitioner located in the mini-district “Yuzhny”, which is a subdivision of polyclinic №3.

Currently, new living districts are being built in Smolensk, which makes the issue of providing first aid health care more essential, taking into account the overload of the policlinics. The newly built neighborhoods lack health infrastructure, while the capacity of the old one cannot provide the residents with the high-quality medical assistance. Together with the staff deficit, it makes providing healthcare to children and adults a big problem. One of the solutions of this problem is to create offices of general practitioners. For example, the office in the mini-district "Yuzhny" serves the population of the three remote sites. The distance from the main policlinic is 13 kilometers. The number of people served is 5,039.

The office works in two shifts and is open from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm. Serving patients at home is carried out during the working hours. Every day medical assistance in the office is provided to the average of 75 people, including 15 people at home.

In 2014, the total number of first-aid and obstetrics stations in the region is 500 while the federal norm for a region is 391. Realizing what social significance they have for the rural residents, especially for the elderly and disabled, the administration does everything possible to preserve the existing network of first-aid and obstetrics stations regardless of the number of people served.

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