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  • The Governor took part in the Second All-Russian Forum "Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia"

The Governor took part in the Second All-Russian Forum "Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia"

The Governor took part in the Second All-Russian Forum "Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia"

On the same day, Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the II All-Russian Forum "Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia", which takes place in Yaroslavl from 4 to 7 November. The Forum brought together 530 gifted, truly enthusiastic school students from across the country – the winners of the All-Russian olympiads, prestigious competitions and contests, the authors of unique inventions and the patent holders, as well as 168 teachers who had designed the development programs for gifted young people.

The representatives of Smolensk region: the student of the extracurricular education institution for children "The Station of Young Nature Lovers” in Vyazma Tatiana Muzylskaya, the student of secondary school №1 in Yartsevo Ekaterina Sokolovskaya and the teacher of extracurricular education institution for children "The Station of Young Nature Lovers” in Yartsevo Lyudmila Korneeva were invited to the Forum.


On the same day, Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the II All-Russian Forum "Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia", which takes place in Yaroslavl from 4 to 7 November. The Forum brought together 530 gifted, truly enthusiastic school students from across the country – the winners of the All-Russian olympiads, prestigious competitions and contests, the authors of unique inventions and the patent holders, as well as 168 teachers who had designed the development programs for gifted young people.

The representatives of Smolensk region: the student of the extracurricular education institution for children "The Station of Young Nature Lovers” in Vyazma Tatiana Muzylskaya, the student of secondary school №1 in Yartsevo Ekaterina Sokolovskaya and the teacher of extracurricular education institution for children "The Station of Young Nature Lovers” in Yartsevo Lyudmila Korneeva were invited to the Forum.

It was pointed out at the Forum that Russia needs well-educated, energetic people who can make unusual, innovative decisions to achieve the set goals. The Leadership Forum provided the young people and their teachers with an excellent opportunity to meet well-known politicians and public figures, scientists and business people, and became for them the starting point for interesting projects. The work of the Forum was divided into three large streams – game, expertise and education.

The educational program for the teachers was based on new education technology in accordance with the modern technical and socio-humanitarian achievements and was focused on early involvement of school students in the engineering profession. This stream included a theoretical part, and the teachers had a lot of opportunities to meet a large number of experts (workshops, seminars, project work and case studies).

As part of the game stream, all the participants were for four days involved in a big game, the scenario of which was specially designed so that young people found themselves in the environment of a world which was new for them. In such circumstances, the students had to learn new things, settle in the unfamiliar for them future, draw parallels between the achievements of the great Russian scientists, inventors, discoverers of the past and their actions as pioneers.

One of the main tasks for the students in this game was to find technological solutions for the future of Russia, which they had to present using the information on the priority sectors of the economy of the state and the specific characteristics of the regions. Every day, young people from all over Russia went through even more complex individual and group tests, checking their ability to think, to act, to defend their principles and move towards their goals. The final day of the Forum turned out to be a very busy one: besides a great number of workshops organized for the participants, the students met the heads of the regions the Central Federal District.

Together with the governors of other subjects of the Federation, Alexey Ostrovskiy visited laboratories of the All-Russian site, took part in the final event "Big Game", during which the final projects were presented, as well as in the closing ceremony of the Forum.

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