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Alexey Ostrovskiy met with the Smolensk Heroes

Alexey Ostrovskiy met with the Smolensk Heroes

Seven years ago, the State Duma of the Russian Federation established a memorable date – The Day of Homeland Heroes, which is celebrated on December, 9. Today in the building of the regional Administration Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy met with Smolensk Heroes - Heroes of Socialist Labor Lyudmila Stebneva, Anatoly Timofeev, Nina Alfimtseva and Holder of the Labor Glory Order Nina Babicheva.

On the Day of Heroes, we not only remember fearless warriors and patriots of their homeland, who died, but also honor the living heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, the Holders of the Saint George Order and the Order of Glory. These titles are awarded for the feat or outstanding achievements during the battle actions, as well as in the peacetime.


Seven years ago, the State Duma of the Russian Federation established a memorable date – The Day of Homeland Heroes, which is celebrated on December, 9. Today in the building of the regional Administration Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy met with Smolensk Heroes - Heroes of Socialist Labor Lyudmila Stebneva, Anatoly Timofeev, Nina Alfimtseva and Holder of the Labor Glory Order Nina Babicheva.

On the Day of Heroes, we not only remember fearless warriors and patriots of their homeland, who died, but also honor the living heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, the Holders of the Saint George Order and the Order of Glory. These titles are awarded for the feat or outstanding achievements during the battle actions, as well as in the peacetime.

Alexey Ostrovskiy pointed out that the meeting is meant to be a sign of great respect for the Smolensk heroes – the people who have made a most significant contribution to the development of the region and the whole country.

During the tea ceremony, the Governor, taking into consideration the considerable experience and many years of service for the benefit of the Homeland of the Smolensk-Heroes, discussed with the meeting participants the socio-economic development of the region.

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