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Governor presented literary premium in honor of Mikhail Isakovsky

Governor presented literary premium in honor of Mikhail Isakovsky

In the regional centre at the monument to the great Smolensk person Mikhail Isakovsky there was a meeting. It was dedicated to the 111th anniversary of the birthday of the great poet and publicist.

Writers and poets, relatives of Isakovsky and admirers of his talent gathered there. Moving and known from childhood songs sounded during the meeting. The songs were put into verse of our famous compatriot: «Dot of light», «Everything has frozen till the dawn», «Lonely Accordion», «The enemy burned my native hut», «Migrant Birds Fly», and the most famous one «Katyusha».


In the regional centre at the monument to the great Smolensk person Mikhail Isakovsky there was a meeting. It was dedicated to the 111th anniversary of the birthday of the great poet and publicist.

Writers and poets, relatives of Isakovsky and admirers of his talent gathered there. Moving and known from childhood songs sounded during the meeting. The songs were put into verse of our famous compatriot: «Dot of light», «Everything has frozen till the dawn», «Lonely Accordion», «The enemy burned my native hut», «Migrant Birds Fly», and the most famous one «Katyusha».

«Smolensk land has a great fate – glorious history, brilliant events, great writers, scientists, composers, public and political figures. Among them there is one person who sang of the Smolensk land, people, working days and feats of arms. An outstanding Russian poet Mikhail Vasilievich Isakovsky gave a pleiad of melodious verses to the song culture of Russia. These verses have been singing by people of many generations keeping on wondering at the great talent of our compatriot», - said Sergey Antufiev.

The literary traditions laid by the great lyricist, historian and publicist are real nowadays. The Head of the region gave the premium of the Administration of the Smolensk region in honor of M. V. Isakovsky to our talented contemporary, Chairman of the Smolensk Department of the Union of the Russian writers Vladimir Makarenkov for his contribution to the development of fiction in the Smolensk region and of the Smolensk journalism and active popularization of the creative work of M. V. Isakovsky, A. T. Tvardovsky, N. I. Rylenkov.

«I wish Vladimir Victorovich Makarenkov new creative fulfillments. We can proud that in the Smolensk region there lives and works such a talented poet», - emphasized the Head of the region. In answer to his speech Vladimir Makarenkov thanked Sergey Antufiev for recognition of his merits and made the idea of institution of the literary premium in honor of another our compatriot Nikolay Ivanovich Rylenkov public.

The literary premium in honor of M. V. Isakovsky is given to poets, prose writers and journalists who made great contribution to the development of literature and journalism in the Smolensk region. The candidates for the status of laureates are presented by creative unions and organizations. Besides the Administration of the Smolensk region established a premium in honor of A. T. Tvardovsky that is annually given to modern Russian poets, writers created works that got public recognition. This premium is given to literary critics and journalists as well. At the end of the meeting Governor Sergey Antufiev gave an instruction to the plenipotentiary executive about working out of regulations of the annual literary premium in honor N. I. Rylenkov.

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