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World Health Day in the Smolensk region

World Health Day in the Smolensk region

On World Health Day, April 7, the Administration of the region together with the Administration of the Smolensk city organized two "health areas" in the regional center: in Lenin Square and at the shopping center "Maxi". As part of the activities in the healthy lifestyle areas, doctors were giving professional advice right there.

Their extreme necessity is proved by the statistics. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide. In Russia, 56% of all deaths are due to cardiovascular diseases; in fact 40% of these deaths occur at the age from 25 to 64. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the year 2015 to be the National Year of preventing cardiovascular diseases, which rank first among the causes of death in Russia.


On World Health Day, April 7, the Administration of the region together with the Administration of the Smolensk city organized two "health areas" in the regional center: in Lenin Square and at the shopping center "Maxi". As part of the activities in the healthy lifestyle areas, doctors were giving professional advice right there.

Their extreme necessity is proved by the statistics. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide. In Russia, 56% of all deaths are due to cardiovascular diseases; in fact 40% of these deaths occur at the age from 25 to 64. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the year 2015 to be the National Year of preventing cardiovascular diseases, which rank first among the causes of death in Russia.

Unfortunately, Smolensk region is no exception. Mortality rate from the circulatory system diseases is the highest here. Though, the majority of the deaths are preventable. Early treatment allows doctors to prevent the development of such diseases.

In Lenin Square, the mass health exercises session was held from 15.00 to 16.30, and the mobile Health center was set up. The Health center assistants measured blood pressure, determined the level of glucose and cholesterol in blood, and carbon monoxide in the air exhaled by smokers.

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