Last Sunday, Smolensk region warmly welcomed the participants of the international patriotic rally "Roads of Glory", organized by DOSAAF of Russia (Volunteer Society for the Promotion of the Army, Aviation and Navy) and dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and to the meeting of the allied forces of the anti-Hitler coalition on the Elbe.
The participants of the rally started off on April, 18 from the Poklonnaya Hill, and on April, 19 there was a ceremony at the Fire of Eternal Glory in the Heroes Memorial Park in Smolensk. It was attended by Deputy Governor-Head of the Administrative office of the regional Administration Lev Platonov, representatives of DOSAAF of Russia, participants of the rally, Great Patriotic War veterans, Military Academy students, university and school students.
Five cars of the regional branch of the Russian DOSAAF took part in the regional stage of the rally. The participants of the rally laid wreaths and flowers to the Fire of Eternal Glory, and presented gifts from the Hero-City of Smolensk to the museums of the Hero-City of Minsk and the Hero-Fortress of Brest.
From Smolensk the rally headed for Belarus. Within two weeks, the rally will cover 3,800 kilometers from Moscow to Torgau, Germany, via Minsk and Warsaw, and then they will go back home through the Smolensk region. On May, 1, the participants of the rally will visit the military memorial grave in the Yakovlevo village near the M1 highway on the territory of the Yartsevo district and take part in the international "Memory Watch" in the Kapyrevschina village. On May, 2, the rally participants will visit the memorial complex "Bogoroditskoe Memory Field", where, together with the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, representatives of DOSAAF and public organizations, residents of the City of Military Glory Vyazma, will take part in a ceremony and lay wreaths and flowers to the war graves.