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"Eternal Flame" has been lit in Vyazma

"Eternal Flame" has been lit in Vyazma

During his working visit to the City of Military Glory Vyazma, Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Central Federal District Alexander Beglov took part in the opening ceremony of the "Eternal Flame" memorial.

Heroic Vyazma received this symbol of the eternal memory on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. The memorial, the construction of which was under special control of the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy, was set up in Efimov square, in front of the monument to the legendary commander, as part of the All-Russia patriotic action "Eternal Flame Relay".


During his working visit to the City of Military Glory Vyazma, Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Central Federal District Alexander Beglov took part in the opening ceremony of the "Eternal Flame" memorial.

Heroic Vyazma received this symbol of the eternal memory on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. The memorial, the construction of which was under special control of the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy, was set up in Efimov square, in front of the monument to the legendary commander, as part of the All-Russia patriotic action "Eternal Flame Relay".

"First of all, I would like to greet you and give the best wishes and congratulations on the holiday from the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin,- addressed the audience Alexander Beglov. - Today, Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy and government representatives, veterans, honor citizens of Vyazma lit the torch from the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow and arrived in Vyazma to open the memorial here. Vyazma has deserved this memorial, and I think all Russian people are proud of the heroic feat that took place here. I, personally, would like to congratulate all of you on the upcoming holiday and, of course, to say special words of gratitude to the veterans”.

In his turn, Alexey Ostrovskiy said: "Today, I am honored to be here with you at the opening ceremony of the Eternal Flame - this long-awaited symbol for all the residents of the Vyazma city and district. Some time ago, in accordance with the instructions of the President of the country Vladimir Putin, I made a decision that there should be the Eternal Flame. And the fact that so many of you, people dear to my heart, came here today, proves that, indeed, this memory, this bright date of May, 9th, unites us so much that we must do our best for the welfare of our country, for which our compatriots shed the blood or were killed during the war.

Thank you for your support, thank you that we're all together here today and remember those who, unfortunately, are no longer with us. Hats off in the cherished memory of them”.

The "Eternal Flame" memorial was set up at the expense of the regional and local budgets, as well as through donations of the residents of the City of Military Glory. Seven million Rubles were allocated from the regional budget to purchase the monument by Igor Chumakov, two million Rubles were allocated from the budget of Vyazma to finance the opening ceremony of the memorial.

About 500 thousand Rubles were raised by people living and working in the Vyazma district. When installing the memorial, the landscape design of the surrounding area was made.

The honorary right to light the Eternal Flame was granted to the Head of the Vyazma garrison Dmitry Primakov, the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Honor citizen of Vyazma Anatoly Perepelkin and a fifth year school student of Vyazma secondary school №10 Anna Torbina.

The participants and guests of the Eternal Flame opening ceremony remembered the Homeland defenders with a minute of silence, and then laid wreath and flowers at the memorial.

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