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Alexey Ostrovskiy visited CJSC "Zolotaya Niva"

Alexey Ostrovskiy visited CJSC "Zolotaya Niva"

Acting Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy paid a working visit to CJSC "Zolotaya Niva" in the Safonovo district. The Head of the region examined the work of the company and assessed the progress of constructing the second part of the agro-complex.

Today CJSC "Zolotaya Niva" is one of the leading agricultural enterprises of Smolensk region and, in the future, of the whole Russia.


Acting Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy paid a working visit to CJSC "Zolotaya Niva" in the Safonovo district. The Head of the region examined the work of the company and assessed the progress of constructing the second part of the agro-complex.

Today CJSC "Zolotaya Niva" is one of the leading agricultural enterprises of Smolensk region and, in the future, of the whole Russia.

The implementation of the investment project to build a modern dairy complex for 1,200 heads of dairy cattle began in 2009. Since the opening the company has been developing dynamically. Last year the revenues from sales of products, works and services amounted to 259 million Rubles, which is almost 1.5 times higher than in 2013. The indicators of state support should be noted: last year CJSC "Zolotaya Niva" received 128 million Rubles from the budgets of all levels. In 2014 there were 2 rubles in revenue on each ruble of subsidies.

In recent years the agro-complex has established its leadership position in the region in corn planting, and has achieved a significant excess of the average yield of grain crops in Smolensk region. Last year the yield of corn green amounted to 1.4 thousand hectares, which is 1.8 times higher than in 2013. The yield of corn green is 2 times higher than the average regional index, and the yield of grain crops in the past year reached 37 hwt/ha, which is 15.6 hwt/ha more than the average yield in the region.

The agro-complex CJSC "Zolotaya Niva" is an undisputed leader among the agricultural enterprises of the region both in the number of cows, which now is 1,804 heads, and in the gross milk production. The total number of cattle in the company on May 1, 2015 amounted to 3,061 heads. Last year the yield on 1 forage cow exceeded 9 thousand kg of milk, which is 1.5 times higher than the average regional indicator. CJSC "Zolotaya Niva" supplies all the produced milk to one of the largest Russian dairy factories - "Hermann".

Over the last year the company has changed dramatically: a small parlor was built, a new technology of cattle rearing and other innovations were introduced. During the tour of the complex the Head of the region was shown the innovations and told that thanks to the help of the regional relative department all the necessary documents for the assignment of the cattle reproductor status to CJSC "Zolotaya Niva" were prepared and submitted to the Agriculture Ministry of the Russian Federation. "Assessing the work of agricultural enterprises, which I have visited, I should say that you objectively have the best conditions in the region both for the company's employees and for keeping livestock", - said the Head of the region.

According to Arkady Bolshakov, the President of the investment company "Arlan" that has CJSC "Zolotaya Niva" in its portfolio of projects, the positive changes are taking place in the personnel structure of the complex. Currently CJSC "Zolotaya Niva"  employs 92 people, more and more young people as well as new specialist come to work for the company. This is due to a constructive cooperation with the Smolensk State Agricultural Academy: students of the Academy have internship here, so that after graduation they could come to work for the CJSC "Zolotaya Niva", having an idea about all the intricacies of working with new technology. "You have properly organized the process, when young professionals, graduating from a higher education institution, are already focused on a particular company and know the specifics of its work", - Alexey Ostrovskiy commented on the personnel policy of the agricultural complex.

Speaking about the potential of the enterprise, the Head of the region noted that in the near future all necessary conditions for living and working of the CJSC "Zolotaya Niva"  personnel will be created – in three years an agro-settlement is going to appear on the surrounding territory: "Thanks to the active cooperation of the regional and district authorities with the company's management, we have provided funds in the regional and municipal budgets to build an agro-settlement here for those who work in this business". In addition, one of the most important social effects of the active development of the agro-complex could be the emergence of a new village in its structure. Arkady Bolshakov presented its layout to the Head of the region. "That's good that preschool institutions and shops are included in this layout. And there is also a medical station nearby", - Alexey Ostrovskiy approved of the company development plans.

However, the main driving force for the agricultural complex is its expansion. This year CJSC "Zolotaya Niva" already plans to begin the implementation of the investment project "Expansion of the dairy farm to 6,600 dairy (8,100 forage) cows by building a new cattle-breeding complex for 4,800 dairy (6,000 forage) cows in the Hatychka village in the Dorogobuzh district of Smolensk region". As an outcome of the project (expected to be completed in 2017) a single dairy cattle-breeding complex CJSC "Zolotaya Niva") will be formed, which will allow to increase:

-  the sales of the milk from current 11 thousand tons per year to 62 tons,

- the sale profit from 250 million Rubles per year to 1,700 million Rubles (at current price level),

-  the net profit margin from 5% to 20%.

Within the project framework 175 new jobs will created.

The total cost of the dairy farm expansion project will be more than 6.5 billion Rubles. After the completion of the second part, the company can become one of the leading agricultural complexes of Russia.

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