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Space Service Centre started to work in Smolensk

Space Service Centre started to work in Smolensk

Governor Sergey Antufiev and Chairman of the Federal Space Agency Anatoly Perminov took part in the solemn ceremony of opening of the first in the Smolensk region and one of the first in Russia Space Service Centre (SSC).

It has been founded by Roscosmos, Administration of the Smolenk region and OJSC «Research-and-production corporation «RECOD» (head organization and plenipotentiary of Roscosmos of Results of Space Activity).


Governor Sergey Antufiev and Chairman of the Federal Space Agency Anatoly Perminov took part in the solemn ceremony of opening of the first in the Smolensk region and one of the first in Russia Space Service Centre (SSC).

It has been founded by Roscosmos, Administration of the Smolenk region and OJSC «Research-and-production corporation «RECOD» (head organization and plenipotentiary of Roscosmos of Results of Space Activity).

During the presentation General Director of OJSC «RPC (NPK) «RECOD» Vyacheslav Bezborodov told about the capabilities of the Centre in detail and showed the effective use of space potential of our country in practice. The Space Service Centre will be used for problem solving in different spheres of life in the region.

That includes providing housing and communal services activity, activity of rural, water-base and road economy and land resources control and control of guarded natural territories such as national park «Smolenskoye poozerye» (Smolensk Lakeland). By means of modern technologies they fulfill satellite monitoring of lands, natural resources, objects of realty, establishments of safety of important objects such as bridges, power stations. Also by means of the Centre they will realized a continuous monitoring of all timberland and location of means of transport: ambulance cars, school buses, passenger buses, GIBDD (State Inspection for Road Traffic Safety) cars and so on.

«That gives opportunity not only to optimize expenses and improve safety of people but to discipline all the participants of the process. The concrete example in Tatarstan: as soon as they applied control at the bus long-distance transportation the amount of hit-and-run accidents with lethal outcome decreased in 14 times»,- said Anatoly Perminov.

 «Opening the Centre we can definitely say that money invested in space work for the development of the region, - emphasized Sergey Antufiev. – We will use the results of the space activity at working out and realization of the plans of social and economic development of the region and municipalities as well». 

Also during the conversation with the journalists the Head of the region gave a concrete «disciplinary» example: test equipping ambulance car with a sensor in one of the districts of the region resulted in decrease of expenses for gasoline four times the amount.

Lately Federal authorities have been realizing a large-scaled introduction of the results of space activity in different spheres of life. Technological reorganizations are realized on the basis of program-target techniques of management and are the most important compound parts of the policy of Russia to modernize economics of the country.

According to the results of the meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation in re use of GLONASS system the executives were recommended since 2011 to work out regional target programs of use of satellite navigation technologies and other results of space activity in the interests of social and economic and innovation development of the regions. The Smolensk region was one of the first ones that had fulfilled the formulated tasks: on September, 29th 2010 the regional target program «Use of results of space activity in the interests of social and economic and development of the Smolensk region» was confirmed for 2011-2012.

«Nowadays the Smolensk region takes the lead over other regions in speed of preparation and realization of the program», - said Anatoly Perminov.

The opening of the regional Space Service Centre became possible thanks to working partnership between our region and Roscosmos. On July, 9th, 2010 there was a working meeting of the Chairman of Roscosmos Anatoly Perminov and Governor Sergey Antufiev in the corporation «RECOD». During the meeting there was signed an agreement of cooperation at realization of pilot projects of making regional navigational and informational systems. This document has a great practice direction and provides making regional infrastructure of use of results of space activity in the Smolensk region. The regional Space Service Centre (SSC) that was opened in the Year of Russian cosmonautics will be the core of it. Profile centers in municipalities are next in turn. Naturally the first municipal Space Service Centre is going to be opened in the homeland of the earliest space explorer, in Gagarin.

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