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The investments in the fuel and energy complex

The investments in the fuel and energy complex

The Administration of Smolensk region carries out systematic work on the implementation of the integrated projects aimed to optimize heating supply schemes of settlements. This is the only way to achieve the most efficient use of the budget funds and to create conditions for further attraction of none-budgetary funds.


The Administration of Smolensk region carries out systematic work on the implementation of the integrated projects aimed to optimize heating supply schemes of settlements. This is the only way to achieve the most efficient use of the budget funds and to create conditions for further attraction of none-budgetary funds.

The main activities are the construction and modernization of the heating supply facilities of the social sector. A lot of work was done in 2013-2014 in the framework of the long-term regional target program "Energy conservation and energy efficiency in Smolensk region," the state program "Energy efficiency and energy development in Smolensk region" in Demidov and  Monastyrshchina.

However, none-budgetary funds were also actively involved: the boiling facilities for heating the Demidov agro-technological college, the Demidov boarding school, two secondary schools in the Demidov district, the Monastyrschina central district hospital and a kindergarten in Monastyrshchina were built at the investors’ own expense. Though, the heating networks were built at the budget expense. The heating networks for the municipal budget institutions are in the municipal property and leased to the investor for the operation.

For each ruble of the budgetary funds invested in the reconstruction of the heating networks there are 2.7 rubles from the investor put into creating sources of thermal energy, which made modernization of the heating systems for more social sector facilities possible.

By the way, the activities of the regional authorities in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency received a positive assessment at the federal level. So, at the meeting with the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Anton Inyutsyn Smolensk region was set as an example to other regions of the country for the quality of the analytical report, explaining the value of the specific energy efficiency indicators.

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