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  • The best manufacturing organizations of Smolensk region received awards

The best manufacturing organizations of Smolensk region received awards

The best manufacturing organizations of Smolensk region received awards

The Tenishevs Culture & Exhibition Center hosted the award ceremony for the winners of the rating competition among the manufacturing organizations located in Smolensk region for 2014. Acting Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy presented the diplomas, as well as transferable pennant to the prize winners.

The rating competition among companies of the industrial sector of the economy is held by the regional Administration in order to increase efficiency and competitiveness, as well as public recognition and promotion of manufacturing industry of the region. In 2014 the participants competed in six groups: engineering and metallurgical complex; instrument complex; production of light industrial products; chemical complex; wood processing and printing complex; production of consumer goods.


The Tenishevs Culture & Exhibition Center hosted the award ceremony for the winners of the rating competition among the manufacturing organizations located in Smolensk region for 2014. Acting Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy presented the diplomas, as well as transferable pennant to the prize winners.

The rating competition among companies of the industrial sector of the economy is held by the regional Administration in order to increase efficiency and competitiveness, as well as public recognition and promotion of manufacturing industry of the region. In 2014 the participants competed in six groups: engineering and metallurgical complex; instrument complex; production of light industrial products; chemical complex; wood processing and printing complex; production of consumer goods.

Despite the deficit of the budget, the regional authorities found it necessary to encourage the winners, which gave the participants an incentive to compete.

 "You deserve great respect,- Alexey Ostrovskiy addressed the audience. - First of all, in a severe crisis, you are keeping your companies afloat. Moreover, a number of companies are showing a positive trend, the increase in turnover, for example, the Smolensk Aviation Plant.

The regional authorities do everything they can to support you, annually maintaining existing support programs. We are doing our best to help all the businesses that come to us to this or that extent.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the decision taken by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Government of the Russian Federation on the creation of the two industrial parks in our region starting this year is a breakthrough for Smolensk region. Both, the industrial park of composite materials in Safonovo and the multi-functional industrial park "Phoenix" in Smolensk are reality. Already this year, the region will receive 200 million Rubles. From the total funding for 2015, the region received the second largest amount among the 20 subjects of the Federation participating in the program. The regional Administration managed to convince the Ministry of Economic Development that our region is the best one and deserves to receive the funds. This year it is going to be just a beginning and in the coming years the region will get considerably more money".

According to the results of the rating the competition, the winners are:

1. In the group of the engineering and metallurgical complex:

1st place – JSC "Smolensk Aircraft Plant";

2nd place – JSC "M.I. Kalinin Complex Road Machinery Plant" (Smolensk);

3rd place - LLC "SMIT-YARTSEVO".

2. In the group of the instrument complex:

1st place – JSC " Safonovo Plant "Gidrometpribor";

2nd place - AO "NPP "Izmeritel" (Smolensk);

3rd place – JSC "Control and technological processes regulation devices" (Safonovo).

3. In the group of the light industry goods production:

1st place – LLC "Vyazma leather production LT";

2nd place – LLC "Pochinok Garment Factory";

3rd place was not awarded due to the nominee of this group having tax debt to the regional budget for the period.

4. In the group of the wood processing and printing complex:

1st place – LLC "Igorevsky Wood-processing Plant" (the Holm-Zhirki district);

2nd place – LLC "Smolensk plywood" (the Holm-Zhirki district);

3rd place was not awarded due to the nominee of this group having tax debt to the regional budget for the period.



5. In the group of the consumer goods production:

1st place -JSC "PC "Kristall" (Smolensk);

2nd place – LLC "Gnezdovo Plant GBI" (Smolensk);

3rd place – LLC "Kometa Plus" (Demidov).

6. In the group of the chemical complex:

1 place – JSC "Koltek-spetsreagenty" (Safonovo);

2nd place - JSC "Dorogobuzh" (the Verhnedneprovsky settlement);

3rd place – JSC "Avangard" (Safonovo).

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