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  • The Antiterrorism Commission discussed current issues

The Antiterrorism Commission discussed current issues

The Antiterrorism Commission discussed current issues

The head of the region Alexey Ostrovskiy, who is the Chairman of the Regional Antiterrorism Commission, coordinating the work of the territorial bodies of the federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the region and local authorities on prevention of terrorism, presided over its regular meeting.

The first item on the agenda was ensuring antiterrorism security and the rule of law, strengthening antiterrorism protection of critically important and potentially dangerous facilities, as well as life sustaining infrastructure on the territory of the Smolensk region, during the preparation for and holding Day of Knowledge and the common election day in the Russian Federation.


The head of the region Alexey Ostrovskiy, who is the Chairman of the Regional Antiterrorism Commission, coordinating the work of the territorial bodies of the federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the region and local authorities on prevention of terrorism, presided over its regular meeting.

The first item on the agenda was ensuring antiterrorism security and the rule of law, strengthening antiterrorism protection of critically important and potentially dangerous facilities, as well as life sustaining infrastructure on the territory of the Smolensk region, during the preparation for and holding Day of Knowledge and the common election day in the Russian Federation.

After hearing the speakers, the Commission adopted a number of recommendations for the territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, executive bodies of the region, antiterrorism commissions and task forces in the municipalities of the region.

In addition, the meeting discussed the present state and development of the video surveillance hardware and software complex "Safe City" in the regional center and other settlements of the Smolensk region. In this regard, the chairmen of the antiterrorism commissions of the district and town municipalities were given the task to carry out the activities aimed at introducing the video surveillance system with video output to the police stations of the territorial internal affairs bodies and to the “citizen-police” emergency communication centers to maintain order on the streets and in other public places.

In order to prevent crimes and administrative offenses in the second half of 2015, the local authorities are to take additional measures to improve illumination of the streets in the settlements. The uniform minimum hardware requirements for the video surveillance complex "Safe City" will be designed to optimize its performance and increase its efficiency in the Smolensk region.

The regional Commission also discussed in detail additional measures to ensure antiterrorism protection of the facilities of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant and heard the reports of the heads of the antiterrorism commissions of the Ershichi and Khislavichi districts.

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