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Alpine goats in the Kardymovo district

Alpine goats in the Kardymovo district

Acting Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy visited a promising agro-industrial company – a goat farm in the Gorodok village in the Kardymovo district.

In 2014 LLC "Krasnaya Gorka" started the investment project "Creating a farm for breeding and rearing alpine goats, constructing a farm facility for 1,000 milk goats with a belt and a goat milk processing plant with capacity of up to 3,000 liters per day". In the first phase of the project 320 she-goats and 13 pedigree he-goats of the Alpine breed were brought from France to Smolensk region. This year a contract for the supply of 322 breeding she-goats and 15 breeding he-goats has been signed.


Acting Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy visited a promising agro-industrial company – a goat farm in the Gorodok village in the Kardymovo district.

In 2014 LLC "Krasnaya Gorka" started the investment project "Creating a farm for breeding and rearing alpine goats, constructing a farm facility for 1,000 milk goats with a belt and a goat milk processing plant with capacity of up to 3,000 liters per day". In the first phase of the project 320 she-goats and 13 pedigree he-goats of the Alpine breed were brought from France to Smolensk region. This year a contract for the supply of 322 breeding she-goats and 15 breeding he-goats has been signed.

 "I know that there is already some progress and soon you are going to launch a goat cheese production, and increase the population in three times. The regional authorities cannot help being pleased with it. You create jobs, which increases the revenue part of the regional budget in terms of taxes the company will pay. We hope that the project will have a positive impact on the health of the Smolensk residents, who will be able to eat high quality goat cheese. How and in what form are your useful products going to get to the Smolensk stores?",- Alexey Ostrovskiy asked the director of "Krasnaya Gorka" Yuri Igoshin.

The head of the Company assured that the project is being carried out according to the plan, and noted the constructive cooperation with the relevant Department and the district Administration. Also, Yuri Igoshin said that soon the people of Smolensk will be able to buy environmentally friendly products in the stores of major retail chains. According to the Head of the Agriculture and Food Department Tatiana Rybchenko, the possibility of selling goat milk in a packaged form through dairy machines is being considered. To start with, the agriculture Company is ready to offer a trial batch of goat milk for baby food. Moreover, according to the Company director, it already has a packaging line with its own package design. If there is demand there will be supply.


The main product that the agro-industrial Company will supply to the customers is pasteurized goat milk up to 100 liters per day, and in the short term - fresh and aged cheese from goat milk on the original French recipe - 300 kg per day. The project involves creating 32 new jobs and more than 50 jobs in the related industries.

It should be noted that the agricultural Company is working together with the State Assortment Commission of the Russian Federation on the organization of breeding of Alpine goats on the territory of Russia. Also, OOO "Krasnaya Gorka" (limited liability company) is the national originator of the Alpine goat breed (an originator is an individual or a legal entity who has created or bred a plant variety or animal breed, but who is not the patent owner).

It is important that the Company will launch a closed production cycle, which includes production of dietary milk and cheese. The project deadline is 2015-2016. The volume of investments is 240 mln. rubles. As for July, 2015, 190 mln. rubles was already invested. Tax revenues to the budgets of all levels will amount 44 mln. rubles.

After the tour of the Company, the Head of the region sampled the dairy products and highly praised their taste.

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