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  • The Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the 23rd meeting of the fifth Smolensk regional Duma.

The Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the 23rd meeting of the fifth Smolensk regional Duma.

The Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the 23rd meeting of the fifth Smolensk regional Duma.

The Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the 23rd meeting of the fifth Smolensk regional Duma.

During the meeting, the Duma members unanimously supported the initiative of the Head of the region to award the title "Honorary Citizen of Smolensk region" to the Hero of the Soviet Union, Soviet cosmonaut, Air Force Major-General Alexey Leonov.


30.09.2015 Alexey Ostrovsky's initiative to award the title "Honorary Citizen of Smolensk region" to Alexey Leonov has been supported by the regional parliament members.

The Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the 23rd meeting of the fifth Smolensk regional Duma.

During the meeting, the Duma members unanimously supported the initiative of the Head of the region to award the title "Honorary Citizen of Smolensk region" to the Hero of the Soviet Union, Soviet cosmonaut, Air Force Major-General Alexey Leonov.

It should be reminded that Alexey Ostrovskiy made this proposal while speaking at the first regional socio-economic forum "Development Territory" and its participants unanimously supported the initiative.

Alexei Leonov is the first man to walk in the open space, a renowned scholar with an amazing capacity for work and truly encyclopedic knowledge.

Alexey Leonov sets an example of strong will, patience, devotion to profession and love for Homeland for many people. He is still full of vitality and determination and very active socially. His every visit to the Smolensk land is always a significant event. The resident of Smolensk region are grateful to Alexey Arkhipovich for his active participation in the life of the region. He has been an initiator and the permanent President of the International social and scientific Gagarin readings that take place in the birthplace of the first cosmonaut. Thanks to Alexey Leonov and his active social position, the economy and social sector of the Gagarin district has been developing.

The title "Honorary Citizen of Smolensk region" has been awarded to Alexey Leonov for the patriotic education of the younger generation, support of research activities of young people in the field of aviation and astronautics, a significant contribution to the economic development of Smolensk region, the commemoration of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

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