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A healthy lifestyle is a universal cure

A healthy lifestyle is a universal cure


The meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the implementation of measures aimed at reducing mortality and increasing birth rate on the territory of the Smolensk region was dedicated to the analysis of the demographic situation in the III quarter of 2015.


The meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the implementation of measures aimed at reducing mortality and increasing birth rate on the territory of the Smolensk region was dedicated to the analysis of the demographic situation in the III quarter of 2015.

Since the beginning of the year there has been a decrease in total mortality from 5.9% at the beginning of the year to 2.5% for the first 9 months of 2015. The first place still holds the mortality from cardiovascular diseases, however, though the growth rate here has also been falling. The mortality from respiratory diseases, tuberculosis and cancer, from all kinds of accidents, including road accidents, continues to decrease.

At the same time, according to participants of the meeting, it is necessary to involve the population in physical culture and sport, fight against addictions, prevention of the anti-social behavior in the community - especially among the youth. All the actions of the authorities, educational institutions, communities, families should be clearly focused on the unconditional fulfillment of the requirements set by the Head of the region - to turn the Smolensk region in the territory of health, of normal full life for people of all ages. Physical exercise and sport is one of the ways of confronting digestive diseases, most of which are caused by alcohol abuse.

In this regard, the police bodies constantly hold in the Smolensk event aimed at combating the illicit trafficking of alcohol and alcohol addiction in population. This year more than 60 tons of counterfeit alcohol products have been seized. More than 39-thousand offenses (violations of the "anti-alcohol" laws - the consumption of alcohol, narcotic or psychotropic substances, appearing intoxicated in public places) have been stopped.

Particular attention is paid to preventive work among teenagers and their parents, which is a priority of the interagency cooperation of the authorities, law enforcement agencies and public institutions. As a result, this year on the territory of the Smolensk region there were no cases of deaths of children and adolescents from drinking, taking narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances reported.

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