Today, at the Administration of the region the results of the 3rd Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative projects of young scientists of the Smolensk region" were announced. Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy awarded the winners of the final qualifying round of the program "UMNIK."
The 3rd Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative projects of young scientists of the Smolensk region", organized by the Representation of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology in the Smolensk region together with the regional branch of the Russian public organization "Russian Union of Young Scientists", took place in the Smolensk region. The main purpose of the event is to identify talented students, graduate students and young researchers engaged in scientific, inventive and innovative activities. Young scientists under 29 years old took part in the competition.
Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy addressed the winners and the members of the Advisory Council asked: "I am pleased to take part in this event. It is encouraging that for the two years the Foundation has already done so much. I am proud of the fact that there such talented young people in the Smolensk region. In our turn, the Administration of the Smolensk region will support you as much as possible in the future".
On the initiative of the Head of the region the participants discussed the proposals on the implementation of the young scientists’ projects, as well as the activities of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology. During the discussion the Governor instructed Sergei Leonov, the Chairman of the Smolensk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Union of Young Scientists" to work out practical design of recommendations to help talented youths by the Administration of the Smolensk region.
On the eve there was a conference on the final selection of the winners of the qualifying round of the program "UMNIK", where the six winners were chosen in different scientific fields: information technology, advanced materials and technology of their development, biotechnology, and new devices and hardware systems. Among them there is:
- Bentsman Georgiy Igorevich – the project "Development of the collapsible building of the increased factory readiness" (OAO "Smolensk Promstroiproekt");
- Davydenkova Ksenia Alesandrovna – the project "Innovative device for primary processing of PET-packaging" (FGBOU VO "NIU "MEI");
- Lavrovskiy Pavel Sergeevich – the project "Digital stereo camera" (branch FGBOU IN "NIU" MEI "in Smolensk);
- Mladov Vladimir Valentinovich – the project "Development of clinical decision support system at the primary choice of antimicrobial therapy" (branch FGBOU IN "NIU" MEI "in Smolensk);
- Semenova Yulia Aleksandrovna - the project "Development, experimental and clinical research of the new domestic biomaterial to replace bone defects and stimulation" (GBOU VO "Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy");
- Tyulikov Peter Vasilievich – the project "Development of the machinety to produce of a new type of lawn coverings" (FGBOU VO "Smolensk State Agricultural Academy").
The winners will receive grant funding under the program "UMNIK" in the amount of 400 thousand rubles for the implementation of their project.