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  • The drug provision for the Smolensk-beneficiaries is at the proper level

The drug provision for the Smolensk-beneficiaries is at the proper level

The drug provision for the Smolensk-beneficiaries is at the proper level

The regular meeting of the board of the Healthcare Department of the Smolensk region discussed in detail the medication provision of the population this year.

Currently, more than 76-thousand Smolensk residents are entitled to beneficial medication provision, which, in recent years, thanks to the decisions of the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy and the measures taken by the regional authorities, has greatly improved.


The regular meeting of the board of the Healthcare Department of the Smolensk region discussed in detail the medication provision of the population this year.

Currently, more than 76-thousand Smolensk residents are entitled to beneficial medication provision, which, in recent years, thanks to the decisions of the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy and the measures taken by the regional authorities, has greatly improved.

The allocated in 2015 funds from the federal and regional budget were spent on medications and medical devices acquired through 450 auctions. 719 state contracts have been concluded for the supply of medications for more than 484 million 835 thousand rubles. More than two-thirds of the prescriptions received through the federal and regional benefit systems are the drugs for patients suffering from severe chronic illnesses - diabetes, asthma, oncology.

Considerable expenses were incurred through the purchase of expensive medications that are not included in the approved list for the beneficial categories of citizens. However, despite the fact that the number of people who need this medicine and the corresponding costs are increasing, the patients are not in deficit of medication help.

This year, at the expense of the regional budget, medications have been provided to 276 people. In most cases they are people suffering from cancer, hematological, rheumatologic and neurological diseases. For their treatment more than 91 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget allocated.

Currently, in the Smolensk region there is a stock of medicines for beneficial categories of citizens for 3 months. The relevant Department of the Healthcare Ministry has successfully defended two applications for the supply of medications: the additional one for 2016 and the main one for 2017 to provide patients with quite costly medicines. For this purpose 230 million rubles have already been spent on medications, the supplies are in progress.

After the reports were presented, the members of the board instructed the Smolensk regional center for quality control and certification of medicines to take under special control the formation of demand narcotic and psychotropic medicines in accordance with the standards of medical care, and to carry out measures for monitoring drug safety.

On the same day, a number of healthcare professionals received federal awards for their diligent work.

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