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A conference call at the Russian Construction Ministry

A conference call at the Russian Construction Ministry

The Deputy Governor Yuri Puchkov took part in the All-Russian conference call chaired by the Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of Russia Mikhail Men. During the video conference the meeting discussed the issues of implementing the regional programs for the capital repairs of the common property of apartment buildings, of the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing, as well as the quality of houses built for the resettlement programs.


The Deputy Governor Yuri Puchkov took part in the All-Russian conference call chaired by the Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of Russia Mikhail Men. During the video conference the meeting discussed the issues of implementing the regional programs for the capital repairs of the common property of apartment buildings, of the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing, as well as the quality of houses built for the resettlement programs.

Opening the meeting, the Minister drew attention of regional top managers, who are responsible for construction, housing and utility services, to the problems that "spoil the overall picture" around the country.

In particular, they concern the low level of fees collection for the capital repairs from the owners, and the local authorities are among the "worst" defaulters almost in all federal subjects. In some regions the resettlement program are implemented on the leftover basis, and residents' complaints about the poor quality of houses built for them are often justified. As a result, people refuse to live in the houses with beautiful exteriors which hide new, even worse than before, problems, and fixing the faults requires considerable additional cost and time. In fact, there are cases where local officials report to federal agencies on elimination of the shortcomings and then inspections show that the reports are not true to life.

In this regard, the representatives of the regions where, according to the Construction Ministry, the situation is more problematic and far from being satisfactory, gave their reports during the conference call. Smolensk region was not among them, because, despite the difficulties, the regional authorities work systematically and purposefully, quickly react to the "signals" from the residents and the community.

"In Smolensk region the resettlement of the residents of the emergency houses and performing the capital repairs are constantly monitored by the Governor Alexey Vladimirovich Ostrovskiy, - says Yuri Puchkov. – There are problems, of course. It is more difficult to settle the material problems, but when it comes to the notorious "human factor", we react immediately. We constantly fight against faulty contractors and do everything to make our work and the work of subordinate organizations as open and accessible to people as possible, point out shortcomings to municipalities, and if it is necessary actively help to fix them. We work closely with the community and the media. So today our region is in the "golden mean", and in some indicators even above average".

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