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  • The meeting of the Public Chamber of the Central Federal District on social policy, healthcare and employment of the population

The meeting of the Public Chamber of the Central Federal District on social policy, healthcare and employment of the population

The meeting of the Public Chamber of the Central Federal District on social policy, healthcare and employment of the population

The event was held in Moscow with the participation of the presidential envoy to the Central Federal District Alexander Beglov. The participants discussed the results of the National Year of combating cardiovascular diseases in the regions of the Central Federal District. The meeting was attended by a delegation of Smolensk region.


The event was held in Moscow with the participation of the presidential envoy to the Central Federal District Alexander Beglov. The participants discussed the results of the National Year of combating cardiovascular diseases in the regions of the Central Federal District. The meeting was attended by a delegation of Smolensk region.

The Deputy Healthcare Minister Tatyana Yakovleva, the Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Central Federal District Sergei Krikalev, the president of the Russian Medical Society of hypertension, chief cardiologist of Russia Irina Chazova, the head of the Directorate on monitoring the implementation of public healthcare programs (Federal Service on Supervision in the Healthcare sector) Victor Fisenko, representatives of the regional authorities, medical community and public organizations took part in the meeting. During the meeting, the commission discussed issues of combating cardiovascular diseases, their prevention and mortality reduction.

According to the Deputy Healthcare Minister Tatyana Yakovleva, there is now a decline in mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the Central Federal District, including reduced mortality rate of the working population. Since 2012, in the Central Federal District the number of regional vascular centers has increased by 83.3%.

Also, at the meeting there was a presentation of the regional community projects aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The representatives of the Central Federal District shared their experience of promotion campaigns, in which volunteers, nonprofit organizations, and students are actively involved.

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