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  • The Governor congratulated Evgeniy Schmidt on the 95th anniversary

The Governor congratulated Evgeniy Schmidt on the 95th anniversary

The Governor congratulated Evgeniy Schmidt on the 95th anniversary

These days Evgeniy Schmidt, the Smolensk archeologist widely known in our country and abroad, is receiving congratulations on his 95th anniversary. The Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the jubilee celebration, which took place at the Smolensk State University in the framework of the "round table" discussion dedicated to the archeology of Smolensk.


These days Evgeniy Schmidt, the Smolensk archeologist widely known in our country and abroad, is receiving congratulations on his 95th anniversary. The Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the jubilee celebration, which took place at the Smolensk State University in the framework of the "round table" discussion dedicated to the archeology of Smolensk.

The hero of the day is the author of more than 300 scientific papers, including six monographs. For the last five years he has published more than 50 works, including the publications in Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Evgeniy Alfredovich Schmidt is a permanent member of the Russian national delegation representing Russian science at the international congresses of Slavic archeology. In addition, the scientist traditionally takes an active part in the international conferences on the study of the Scandinavian countries and Finland, the International Conference of European archaeologists and others.

The scholars of the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences and the Institute of History of NAS of Belarus, representatives of the leading Smolensk museums, lecturers of the General History Department and students of the Faculty of History and Law of the Smolensk State University came to greet their colleague and teacher, as well as to discuss the problems of Smolensk archeology.

Speaking about the pedagogical work of Evgeniy Schmidt, which began in 1962, the Head of the region emphasized the significant contribution of the scientist in the training of specialists in the fields of history and archeology.

In 2013, the regional Administration established a prize named after Ivan Orlovsky, the famous Smolensk historian and ethnographer. Evgeniy Schmidt It was the first to get this prize.

Congratulating the scientist on his 95th anniversary, the Governor handed him the Certificate of Merit from the Administration of the region for his service to Smolensk region.

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