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The meeting of the members of the Administration of Smolensk region

The meeting of the members of the Administration of Smolensk region


The regulation of prices and tariffs, as well as fees for various types of state and municipal services, which are within the responsibility of the regional and local authorities, were the main topic of the meeting of the members of Smolensk region Administration, chaired by the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy.


The regulation of prices and tariffs, as well as fees for various types of state and municipal services, which are within the responsibility of the regional and local authorities, were the main topic of the meeting of the members of Smolensk region Administration, chaired by the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy.

In the context of the difficult economic situation and high inflation rate, the issues of the tariff policy regulated on the regional level are of particular importance. That is why one of the key tasks for the regional government set by the Governor is to prevent a sharp and unjustified increase in prices, tariffs, and fees for the state and municipal services for the population, and to provide the opportunity for a temporary "freeze" or a curb of their growth in the interest of the residents of Smolensk region and to keep their material well-being on the appropriate level.

Today, the socio-economic development of the region, as well as the general economic situation in the country is characterized by a decrease in cash income of the Russians and, in particular, of the Smolensk residents and, consequently, a reduction in their purchasing power.

At the same time there has been an increase in expenditures on food, fuel and so on incurred by the state and local governments providing services to the population.

Last year, the consumer price index for goods and services in the region amounted to 111.9%, for food and non-food items – 113.0%, for services - 108.4%.

The housing and utility sector and utility price growth are among the most problematic issues for the Smolensk residents. That is why they were paid a special attention at the meeting. It should be reminded that the decision to keep the tariffs on the level of the end of 2015 in the first half of the current year was taken by the relevant decree of the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy. However, based on the orders of the Russian Government, starting from July 1, 2016 the tariffs for utility services will increase. This will happen in all the subjects of the Federation, and the regional administration cannot but execute this federal decision. On average, in the region the payments for utility services will increase by 4.4%. The deviation from the specified value in some municipalities can amount to no more than 2.3%.

The growth of the utility tariffs in the total aggregate payment of any citizen on the territory of Smolensk region will not exceed 6.7% (with a comparable set and volume of utilities consumption). This limit value is determined by the Decree of the Governor and will be strictly monitored by the relevant departments.

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