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  • The Scientific-Industrial Union of Smolensk region is celebrating its 25th anniversary

The Scientific-Industrial Union of Smolensk region is celebrating its 25th anniversary

The Scientific-Industrial Union of Smolensk region is celebrating its 25th anniversary

In February, 1991 a regional association of employers "The Scientific-Industrial Union" (SIU) was founded in Smolensk region. Today, the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated the organization on its 25th anniversary.


In February, 1991 a regional association of employers "The Scientific-Industrial Union" (SIU) was founded in Smolensk region. Today, the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated the organization on its 25th anniversary.

The Scientific-Industrial Union was established to protect the interests of its members in the various agencies, as well as to support their business activity, high social status and social prestige. In addition, according to Alexey Ostrovskiy, it was the "Scientific-Industrial Union" that in times of economic transition facilitated preserving social stability in the companies of Smolensk region.

Since its very beginning, the Union has grown into a powerful center of organizing the business community of the region and has gained significant weight in the business community of Smolensk region. Today, the SIU is a non-profit organization comprising 50 industrial and scientific enterprises, banks, insurance companies, and educational institutions. About 40% of all the SIU members are industrial companies. The association includes such major enterprises of the region as the Smolensk Aircraft Plant, Smolensk Hosiery Factory, "Analitpribor", "Avangard", "Kristall", "Izmeritel". The share of industrial companies which are the members of the Union accounts for about 15% of the sales volume of processing companies, and the number of employees of these companies is about 17% of the total number of people employed in production industries.

In addition to coordinating the development of the region's business community, another achievement of the Union is the establishment of fruitful relationships of the manufacturers with all levels of government, consolidation of efforts of the parties to create favorable conditions for developing the real sector of the economy and improving the investment climate. Moreover, the Scientific-Industrial Union acts as the assistant and ally of the regional Administration in the implementation of social programs and development plans of Smolensk region.

In his turn, Alexey Ostrovskiy stressed that he personally is ready to provide assistance to the industrial companies in receiving state support, including the support from the federal government: "I am ready to do my best to help, to give appropriate instructions and to promote requests to the federal center".

Also, Alexey Ostrovskiy spoke about the upcoming changes in regional legislation, which will contribute to the regulation of relationships between the government and companies, operating in the industrial sector.

Today, within the framework of the meeting the Head of the region awarded the representatives of the Scientific-Industrial Union with Diplomas from the Administration of Smolensk region and Letters of Appreciation from the Governor. The heads of organizations received these awards for their active participation in the work of the SIU, aimed at the development of business and entrepreneurship, as well as for their great personal contribution to the strengthening of the industrial and economic potential of the region.

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