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Public-private partnership is actively developing in Smolensk region

Public-private partnership is actively developing in Smolensk region

Public-private partnership is actively developing in Smolensk region. Its aim is to solve the problems of the social sphere together with the private business.


Public-private partnership is actively developing in Smolensk region. Its aim is to solve the problems of the social sphere together with the private business. In accordance with the instructions of the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy a number of similar projects in the healthcare sector are being successfully implemented.

Thus, within the framework of the agreement of the regional Administration with the FreseniusMedicalCare Company a modern dialysis center was opened in Smolensk in May, 2015, which made it possible to guarantee affordable and timely medical assistance, meeting the highest European standards, to the patients with kidney disease. It has completely solved the problem of dialysis places deficit for now, and mostly has met needs of the region for the future.

In addition, 70 new jobs were created, including the jobs for highly skilled doctors-nephrologists and dialysis nurses. The Chief Physician of the Dialysis Center Roman Shklavets, a graduate of the Smolensk State University, being a native of the Kaliningrad region, decided to stay in Smolensk, where he can apply his professional knowledge in this pilot for the region, socially significant investment projects in the healthcare sector.

The patients are provided with the medical help under the compulsory medical insurance. Currently, 68 patients are going through the hemodialysis in the Center, and 4 more patients are provided with everything necessary for peritoneal dialysis. Since the opening of the Center, more than 5,500 dialysis sessions have been provided. In general, the institution is ready to take a much larger number of patients. At the moment, the question of early detection of diseases is becoming more important; this year, Alexey Ostrovskiy gave instructions for the relevant Department to form a modern nephrology service.

During the visit to the medical facility the Head of the region was asked by the patients to simplify the process of getting medications necessary for the dialysis. Before it, to get the medicine you had to go to only one specialized pharmacy, and after the instructions were given by the Head of the region the residents of Smolensk would be able to receive the medicine on the spot right before the procedure. Alexey Ostrovskiy set the one-month deadline for the relevant Department to solve all legal and organizational problems.

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