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  • The implementation of the May Decrees of the President is a priority

The implementation of the May Decrees of the President is a priority

The implementation of the May Decrees of the President is a priority

The Deputy Governor Olga Okuneva chaired a regular meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on implementation of the Presidential Decrees of May 7, 2012. The performance in 2015 was discussed by the heads of the relevant agencies of the executive authority, supervising social development, healthcare, education and culture in Smolensk region.


The Deputy Governor Olga Okuneva chaired a regular meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on implementation of the Presidential Decrees of May 7, 2012. The performance in 2015 was discussed by the heads of the relevant agencies of the executive authority, supervising social development, healthcare, education and culture in Smolensk region.

All the speakers pointed out that the targets defined in the "road maps" to increase salaries in the supervised organizations and institutions had been achieved, and there was a positive upward trend with certain categories of employees.

However, the Vice-Governor focused the attention of the heads of the state authorities and, which is even more important, of the local government that it is necessary not only to keep situation with the payment of state employees’ salaries monitored, but also to make this process as transparent as possible in each municipality, in each institution or organization.

 The meeting approved the work plan of the Interdepartmental Commission for 2016. It has been formed on the base of the proposals from the involved organizations and agencies concerning the most critical issues related to the implementation of the presidential May decrees.

These include the issues of gradual increase in the average salary of certain categories of public sector employees, of conducting an independent assessment of the quality of work of cultural institutions, as well as the problem of reducing mortality from socially important diseases on the territory of Smolensk region.

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