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  • Smolensk region is among the regions that have received subsidies for the information society development

Smolensk region is among the regions that have received subsidies for the information society development

Smolensk region is among the regions that have received subsidies for the information society development

The Communications and Mass Media Ministry of the Russian Federation announced the results of the competition for the regions to receive grants for the projects aimed at developing information society. According to the results of examination of applications submitted for the competitive selection, Smolensk region became one of the 25 regions that have received federal funds.


The Communications and Mass Media Ministry of the Russian Federation announced the results of the competition for the regions to receive grants for the projects aimed at developing information society. According to the results of examination of applications submitted for the competitive selection, Smolensk region became one of the 25 regions that have received federal funds.

In accordance with the terms of the competition, more than 15 million rubles will be allocated for the completion of the following:

1) the regional segment of a single federal interdepartmental data base of students of the basic educational programs and additional general education programs in order to provide educational services in electronic form, including electronic grade book and enrollment in the educational institutions of Smolensk region,

2) the departmental information systems to the provide electronic services of civil acts registry and the issuance of a hunting permit.

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