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  • Alexey Ostrovskiy visited the new multifunctional center for providing state and municipal services to the population

Alexey Ostrovskiy visited the new multifunctional center for providing state and municipal services to the population

Alexey Ostrovskiy visited the new multifunctional center for providing state and municipal services to the population

During his working trip round Smolensk the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy participated in the official opening of the Promyshlenny branch of the SOGBU "Multifunctional center for providing state and municipal services to the population". Alexey Ostrovskiy examined the conditions of receiving citizens in the new branch of the MFC, which was opened in one of the most densely populated areas of Smolensk, and made sure that citizens with disabilities and senior citizens can visit this socially significant institution.


During his working trip round Smolensk the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy participated in the official opening of the Promyshlenny branch of the SOGBU "Multifunctional center for providing state and municipal services to the population". Alexey Ostrovskiy examined the conditions of receiving citizens in the new branch of the MFC, which was opened in one of the most densely populated areas of Smolensk, and made sure that citizens with disabilities and senior citizens can visit this socially significant institution.

The Head of the Information Technology Department Andrey Rudometkin informed the Head of the region about the work done. The area of ​​the premises of the Industrial branch amounts to 1681.5 square meters. It has 41 windows for receiving the applicants, 4 windows for collecting the documents after the state public and municipal services have been provided. Also the MFC plans to operate the following:

- the Call center to consult the population, to make appointments, to inform about the procedure of providing state (municipal) services;

- the Methodic and Control Department to check and control the documents, to train the receiving specialists;

- a classroom for educating and training the employees of the MFC.

Thus, the Industrial branch will provided to more than 200 kinds of state and municipal services.

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