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  • The representatives of the Smolensk region are among the best specialists in the industrial safety

The representatives of the Smolensk region are among the best specialists in the industrial safety

The representatives of the Smolensk region are among the best specialists in the industrial safety

From 12 to 15 April, 2016 in the city of Ufa there was the I All-Russian contest "The best specialist in the industrial safety in Russian - 2016" dedicated to the World Day of Industrial safety. It was held online.


From 12 to 15 April, 2016 in the city of Ufa there was the I All-Russian contest "The best specialist in the industrial safety in Russian - 2016" dedicated to the World Day of Industrial safety. It was held online.

It was organized by the National Association of Industrial safety centers, the All-Russian public organization "Russian Union of Industrial safety specialists" and other relevant organizations.

Heads and specialists of the industrial safety services and specialist who carry out the corresponding responsibilities participated in the competition.

About 1,000 people from all over Russia participated in the competition.

The competition was held for four days and consisted of four stages.

A rating of “100 best specialists in industrial safety in Russia” was made up according to the results of the competition. The representatives of the Smolensk region: Denis Kharichev (FGPU SPO "Analitpribor"), Yuri Plehtentsov (OAO “Izmeritel”) and Dmitry Antonov (SOGBPOU "College of industrial technologies") were among them.

All of them were awarded diplomas of the contest winners.

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