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  • The regional action "March for Life"

The regional action "March for Life"

The regional action "March for Life"

By the order of the Head of the region Alexey Ostrovskiy in the Smolensk region there was the II Regional action "March for Life" aimed at improving the social importance of the family institution, responsible parenthood, as well as reducing the number of abortions.


By the order of the Head of the region Alexey Ostrovskiy in the Smolensk region there was the II Regional action "March for Life" aimed at improving the social importance of the family institution, responsible parenthood, as well as reducing the number of abortions.

In the regional center more than 500 people participated in the action: students of higher and secondary educational institutions, members of the City High School Student Council, representatives of the student governments, volunteers, as well as women living in the Center of protection of motherhood and childhood «Smolensky house for Mom".

Примечательно, что акции «Марш за жизнь» одновременно прошли во всех муниципальных образованиях Смоленщины.

The column of participants proceeded from the main square of the city to the Mass Field of the Central Park of Culture and Recreation "Lopatinsky Sad", where the winners of the regional contest "Student's Family" and creative youth groups gave a concert.


It is noteworthy that the action "March for Life" was held simultaneously in all the municipalities of the Smolensk region.

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