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  • Smolensk region hosts the Russian-Belarusian meeting of the Cossack youth

Smolensk region hosts the Russian-Belarusian meeting of the Cossack youth

Smolensk region hosts the Russian-Belarusian meeting of the Cossack youth

From 15 to 19 of August the Smolensk rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities "Vishenki" hosts the Second Russian-Belarusian meeting of the Cossack youth, bringing together representatives of the patriotic clubs and movements.


From 15 to 19 of August the Smolensk rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities "Vishenki" hosts the Second Russian-Belarusian meeting of the Cossack youth, bringing together representatives of the patriotic clubs and movements.

The meeting, aimed at patriotic education of youth, preservation and strengthening of cultural and historical traditions with the younger generation of Russia and Belarus, is supported by the Administration of the region. It was organized by the regional organization "Russian Youth Union", the local branch of the All-Russian public and state children and youth organization "Russian movement of school students”, the autonomous non-profit organization-social and information center "Zabota-Smolensk”, and the Smolensk Cossack Army Society "Central Cossack Army", with membership of over 500 Cossacks of the region.

The local branch of "The Russian movement of school students", which is a co-organizer of the event, represents here a patriotic division. During the "round table" discussion the participants will discuss topical issues of patriotic education and training with the representatives of authorities, law-enforcement agencies, share the experience of carrying out similar projects in Russia and Belarus, acquire self-defense skills and basics of tactics through the military tactical game, and learn about the activities of the military-patriotic social movement "Yunarmiya".

During the event there will be meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and participants of local conflicts, workshops from the Emergencies Ministry units on fist fighting and search activity, other sports, cultural and tactical events.

The Russian-Belarusian Patriotic Youth meeting is held at the "Vishenki" children's Center for the second time. Its distinctive feature is its inclusive nature – the joint activities involve young people from Russia and Belarus, students of the “Vishenki” children's center and other social institutions of the region. Participating in the events, all of them will be able to try themselves in different activities.

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