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  • The essential issues of healthcare in rural areas were discussed in the Administration of the region

The essential issues of healthcare in rural areas were discussed in the Administration of the region

The essential issues of healthcare in rural areas were discussed in the Administration of the region

The Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy held an extended meeting of the Administration of Smolensk region, one of the central topics of which was the issue of local governments facilitating development of first aid healthcare for the rural population.


The Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy held an extended meeting of the Administration of Smolensk region, one of the central topics of which was the issue of local governments facilitating development of first aid healthcare for the rural population.

Improving social conditions for the rural population, including providing healthcare and increasing its availability, is a major concern of the Administration of Smolensk region.

The key speech on the topic of providing medical care to rural population in the region was made by the head of the regional Healthcare Department Vladimir Stepchenkov. In particular, the head of the department said that the network of healthcare institutions providing medical care to rural population comprises 484 first aid rural stations, 25 central district hospitals, 2 district hospitals, 38 outpatient clinics, and 8 area hospitals.

In the settlements with a population less than 100 people without a first aid rural station there are 223 households which are entitled to provide first self-aid and mutual-aid to the population. It means the owner of one of the households on his own will takes the responsibility of providing first aid to fellow villagers. In fact, all such households are provided with round-the-clock telephone contact with medical healthcare facilities. Such household are equipped with first-aid kits supplied at the expense of the regional healthcare institutions.

According to the head of the relevant Department, in order to increase availability of medical care for the people living in the rural areas, including areas located far from the healthcare facilities, different forms of outreach work are widely used. Site visits by the specialists from central district hospitals, regional dispensaries, and regional adults’ and children's hospitals are regularly scheduled. There are 66 mobile medical teams, whose members paid 1,540 visits and examined more than 20 thousand people during 2015. In 2016, 1,700 visits have been paid, 28,000 villagers have been examined.

The "Health Train", which was operating from April to June this year, was very popular among the population. During this period more than 4.6 thousand people in 20 municipalities and 36 rural settlements were examined.

Following the discussion and taking into account the importance of the issue, the Governor entrusted the Chairman of the Council of Municipalities Vyacheslav Balalaev with the task to prepare and submit to the Administration of the region proposals which, in his opinion, will facilitate providing effective medical care in the rural areas.

The meeting also discussed important issues concerning the improvement of the interaction of the Healthcare Department and its subordinate organizations with the local authorities in regard of ensuring access to medical care for rural residents, increasing social support of healthcare professionals and household first-aid activities.

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