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The Smolensk residents serving their Homeland

The Smolensk residents serving their Homeland

The A.T. Tvardovsky Regional Universal Library hosted the V Scientific-Practical Conference "The Smolensk residents serving their Homeland"


The A.T. Tvardovsky Regional Universal Library hosted the V Scientific-Practical Conference "The Smolensk residents serving their Homeland".

It is organized with the support of the Administration of Smolensk region, local ethnographic society-branch of the Union of Russian ethnographers, A.T. Tvardovsky Regional Universal Library, and the Council of state service veterans, the regional Public Chamber.

At the event, it was pointed out that the importance and relevance of the conference is increasing every year. While the 1st conference was attended by 50 people, this year there were 85 applications filed by speakers from the Smolensk, Kaluga and Tver regions, as well as Moscow and Tambov. It is important that the published materials of the previous conferences were received by the regional libraries and are widely used in the ethnographic research and patriotic education of youth.

The topics of the conference presentations are devoted to our countrymen who in the past century showed outstanding achievements in economy, culture, arts and other fields, became famous for the heroic feats, and to our contemporaries whose work deserves appreciation from society and state.

Also, within the framework of the conference there was an award ceremony for the ethnographers actively studying the history of local region and biographies of our famous countrymen who did much for their native Smolensk region.

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