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  • The competition to study at the Presidential Program of Management Training was announced in Smolensk

The competition to study at the Presidential Program of Management Training was announced in Smolensk

The competition to study at the Presidential Program of Management Training was announced in Smolensk

Smolensk regional commission on the organization of management training informed about the beginning of the competitive selection of specialists to be trained in the 2016/2017 academic year within the framework of the National Plan of management training for the national economy of the Russian Federation at the President's program.


Smolensk regional commission on the organization of management training informed about the beginning of the competitive selection of specialists to be trained in the 2016/2017 academic year within the framework of the National Plan of management training for the national economy of the Russian Federation at the President's program.

The training is aimed at supporting large regional enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses, organizations in the field of education, healthcare, social services, as well as local authorities in implementing projects on developing and carrying out a targeted personnel policy.

To participate in the Presidential Program you should be a specialist with higher education, the total length of service of not less than 5 years, experience in management of at least 3 years, and actively participating in the project on developing your organization. Preferably, the age of the candidates for the competition shouldn’t exceed 40.

The selected participants will take a training course on the management, marketing and finance. At the end of the course they will have an internship at Russian or foreign enterprises for the period from 2 weeks up to 3 months. It should be pointed out that two-thirds of the total cost for training are paid from the federal and regional budgets.

The documents can be submitteduntil November 21 at the address: Smolensk, Lenin sq., 1, the Administration of Smolensk region, 3rd floor, room 357.

Further information about the programcan be found at the official website http://pprog.ru  and  http://www.pprog-67.ru.

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