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  • The Smolensk farmers received awards at the "Golden Autumn-2016" exhibition

The Smolensk farmers received awards at the "Golden Autumn-2016" exhibition

The Smolensk farmers received awards at the "Golden Autumn-2016" exhibition

The Agriculture Ministry of the Russian Federation announced the results of the annual 18-th Russian Agricultural Exhibition "Golden Autumn - 2016". Smolensk agricultural enterprises which took part in the main agricultural forum of the country were highly appraised by the organizers.


The Agriculture Ministry of the Russian Federation announced the results of the annual 18-th Russian Agricultural Exhibition "Golden Autumn - 2016". Smolensk agricultural enterprises which took part in the main agricultural forum of the country were highly appraised by the organizers.

64 regions of Russia and a number of foreign countries demonstrated their achievements at the "Golden Autumn". The exhibition attracted 2,600 participants in total. Its key section was the exhibition of achievements of the Russian regions, in which the best regional products with high potential for the promotion on the domestic and foreign markets, as well as long-term investment projects were presented.

Smolensk region presented the projects implemented in the fields of cattle and crop production. The visitors of Smolensk region stand could see the samples of products from 8 regional companies: JSC "Smolenskoe" for cattle breeding of Smolensk region, LLC "Krasnaya Gorka" from the Kardymovo district, LLC "Krol and K" from the Gagarin district, LLC "Izvekovo" and LLC "Bobrovo" from the Novodugino district, LLC "Greynlyuks" from the Roslavl district, SPPK (Agricultural consumer processing cooperative) "Lnyanaya Dolina" and LLC "Novoe Selo" from the Vyazma district.

The country’s main agrarian exhibition included a competition program. The results of 19 branch competitions were announced at the "Golden Autumn-2016". The best businesses and specialists of the agro-industrial complex were praised for success in the production of high quality food products, advances in the development of breeding and commercial farming, creation of new varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops and others.

The Smolensk enterprise LLC "Krasnaya Gorka", specializing in the production of pasteurized goat milk, fresh French cheeses, was awarded a gold medal and three diplomas of the exhibition.

Also, the highest award and a diploma of the exhibition participant went LLC "KROL and K". The company was selected as the best one in the segment of meat products. A silver medal was awarded to the head of thepeasant farm enterprise Pavel Dronov for achieving high performance in livestock production.

In the exhibition section "Livestock and livestock breeding" our region presented the results of many years of high level breeding work. The three dairy cattle breeding farms: JSC "Smolenskoe" for breeding (presented the Sychevskaya cattle breed of the Vazuza type), SPK (agricultural production cooperative) "Druzhba" (presented the brown Schwyz cattle breed), CJSC "Zolotaya Niva" (presented the black-motley Holstein cattle breed) were competing for the first prize. All the three participants were awarded gold medals and diplomas for the achievements in the development of breeding and commercial farming.

In addition, in general, Smolensk region was awarded a gold medal for achieving the highest rates in the field of livestock breeding.

During the exhibition, the Smolensk State Agricultural Academy and the Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev signed an Agreement on academic cooperation aimed at strengthening cooperation in the field of scientific research of postgraduate education, education quality, institutional development, sharing information and students and teaching staff exchange of between the universities. The agreement provides for the exchange of scientific publications, holding workshops, training courses and conferences with the participation of the teaching staff and students of both universities.

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