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  • The All-Russian competition for the right to become a volunteers training center for the XIX World Youth and Students Festival

The All-Russian competition for the right to become a volunteers training center for the XIX World Youth and Students Festival

The All-Russian competition for the right to become a volunteers training center for the XIX World Youth and Students Festival

From 14 to 22 October, 2017 in Sochi there will be the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students. In order to ensure high quality organization of the Festival it is planned to create volunteer corps composed of not less than 7,000 volunteers from all the regions of Russia.


From 14 to 22 October, 2017 in Sochi there will be the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students. In order to ensure high quality organization of the Festival it is planned to create volunteer corps composed of not less than 7,000 volunteers from all the regions of Russia.

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, together with FGBU (Federal State Budgetary Institution) "Rospatriottsentr" and the Association of Volunteer Centers, which is an operator of the Festival volunteer program, started the All-Russian competition for the right to become a center for attraction and preparation of the Festival volunteers.

The competition is held among the educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, government agencies or non-profit organizations of the Russian Federation. According to its results at least 15 organizations, on the basis of which it is planned to organize volunteer centers for attracting and training volunteers in various fields, will be selected

The tender documentation package is available at the websites: www.russia2017.com, www.avcrf.ru, www.youthrussia.ru, www.wfdy.org, www.fadm.gov.ru,

The contact person for participation in the Competition is Julia Andreevna Vershinina, tel. +7 (499) 755-77-34.

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