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  • “Development Territory” will take place in Smolensk region

“Development Territory” will take place in Smolensk region

“Development Territory” will take place in Smolensk region

From October 31 to November 2 the Tenishevs Cultural and Exhibition Center (CEC) will host the II Smolensk regional social-economic forum "Development Territory", held with the support of the Administration of Smolensk region. The participants will not only discuss the problems concerning the residents of Smolensk but also will jointly work out the ways to solve these problems.


From October 31 to November 2 the Tenishevs Cultural and Exhibition Center (CEC) will host the II Smolensk regional social-economic forum "Development Territory", held with the support of the Administration of Smolensk region. The participants will not only discuss the problems concerning the residents of Smolensk but also will jointly work out the ways to solve these problems.

Traditionally, the guests of the Forum are people who are highly respected in Smolensk region and beyond it: heads of the industrial and agricultural companies, of public organizations, doctors, teachers, businessmen, art and culture professionals, scientist, and many others.

For three days there will be thematic sections working, discussions and presentations held. In fact, the representatives of the business community will be able to get acquainted with the investment projects of municipalities of Smolensk region, and get detailed information on the state support of the investment activity.  The representatives of the agricultural sector will have an opportunity to exchange experience in the field of agricultural marketing and development of consumer cooperation.

At one of the sections there will be a discussion of the issues of the social sector, including improvement of the quality and accessibility of social services, social partnership, and a barrier-free environment as the basis for the quality of life of people with health problems. The acute issues of bringing up the younger generation, the regional youth policy, culture of international relations will also be discussed by the Forum participants.

It should be reminded that the initiative of the Public Chamber of Smolensk region, the Scientific-Industrial Union, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to hold the First Forum "Development Territory" in 2015 was supported by the Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy, who stressed that one of the fundamental principles of state government is an honest, open, and trusting dialogue of authorities with the people.

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