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  • The regional stage of the professional skills championship “Abilimpics” was launched in Smolensk region

The regional stage of the professional skills championship “Abilimpics” was launched in Smolensk region

The regional stage of the professional skills championship “Abilimpics” was launched in Smolensk region

The regional stage of the II National championship of professional skills for people with disabilities "Abilimpics" was launched in Smolensk with the support of the Administration of Smolensk region. The event will be held in the regional center for two days, on October 25-26. The opening ceremony of the competition was held at the Tenishevs Cultural and Exhibition Center.


The regional stage of the II National championship of professional skills for people with disabilities "Abilimpics" was launched in Smolensk with the support of the Administration of Smolensk region. The event will be held in the regional center for two days, on October 25-26. The opening ceremony of the competition was held at the Tenishevs Cultural and Exhibition Center.

The participants of “Abilimpics" are students and graduates of vocational educational institutions, universities, educational centers of the public organizations of disabled people. Among the main objectives of the movement is to promote professional inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market.

The competitions in professional skills will be held in six competencies: "Web Design", "Decorative Arts", “Painting ", "Cooking", "Car Repair and Service", and "Wiring". The four professional educational organizations: Regional State Budget Professional Educational Institution (RSBPEI) "Smolensk Construction College".

 “RSBPEI “Smolensk College of Rail Transport, communication and service”, RSBPEI “Smolensk Academy of Professional Education”, RSBPEI “Smolensk E.G. Trubitsin College of Road Transport", have been involved specially for the Championship.

At the regional stage of the "Abilimpics" championship there will also be a business and a vocational guidance programs, including round table discussions and workshops.

The winners of the regional stage will represent Smolensk region at the national level in the final of the National Championship "Abilimpics" in Moscow on November 12-13.

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