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  • Alexey Ostrovskiy met Maria Zubkova, a schoolgirl from Yelnya

Alexey Ostrovskiy met Maria Zubkova, a schoolgirl from Yelnya

Alexey Ostrovskiy met Maria Zubkova, a schoolgirl from Yelnya

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy met with a ninth-grader Maria Zubkova from Yelnya - the author of the booklet "ABC of the Guards Region", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of creation of the Soviet guards. "ABC" is written for the youngest readers, and according to the author's idea, it is to become a real "vaccine against fascism."


Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy met with a ninth-grader Maria Zubkova from Yelnya - the author of the booklet "ABC of the Guards Region", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of creation of the Soviet guards. "ABC" is written for the youngest readers, and according to the author's idea, it is to become a real "vaccine against fascism."

A month earlier, the Governor was handed over a copy of the book by the Chief Editor of the district newspaper "Znamya" Mikhail Kozlov. Maria Zubkova wrote the author's message for the Head of the region on the first page: "To the true patriot of the Great Russia, the Governor of Smolensk Region Alexey Ostrovskiy." It was then when it was decided to ​​invite a young talent girl to meet the Head of the region personally.

Talking to Maria Zubkova, the Governor said: "Dear Maria, I am very touched that you gave me a brochure with an inscription. I am very happy that true patriots, who truly love their country and their small Homeland, are growing up in Smolensk region. Having learnt about your successes and achievements, I decided, despite an extremely busy schedule, to meet and talk to you personally".

The young writer lives in Yelnya, studies in the ninth grade of the secondary school, dreams of becoming a journalist. Masha is fond of vocal singing and poetry; her works are actively published in the local newspaper "Znamya". She is a frequent participant and winner of various regional competitions and awards. At the end of the meeting Masha Zubkova thanked the Governor for the warm atmosphere of the meeting and asked to hand over a copy of her book to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Alexey Ostrovskiy promised to do it as soon as possible.

At the meeting with the Governor Maria recited her poem:


Hands off Russia!


Hands off Russia!

Long-suffering and holy!

God’s truth is with us, which means power!

We are for faith, for peace and quiet!


Hands off Russia!

Behind your fuss

there are great-grandchildren of Fascism

raising their heads and wailing.


Hands off Russia!

I know exactly that

Your mothers were not raising their sons

so that they fought to death to win!


Hands off Russia!

You’ll burn yourselves! There were brave ones,

Who hardly escaped

despite all their military logic!


Hands off Russia!

Russia will not kneel!

For seven decades in the blue sky

The memory like a white bird has been floating!

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