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  • Employees of law-enforcement agencies celebrated their professional holiday

Employees of law-enforcement agencies celebrated their professional holiday

Employees of law-enforcement agencies celebrated their professional holiday

The cultural and recreational center "Gubernskiy" hosted a ceremony devoted to the Day of the employees of internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation. Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated the Smolensk police officers on their professional holiday.


The cultural and recreational center "Gubernskiy" hosted a ceremony devoted to the Day of the employees of internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation. Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated the Smolensk police officers on their professional holiday.

The employees of the internal affairs agencies have always been a reliable pillar of the state, protected law and order, ensured a peaceful life of the citizen, at the expense of their energy, time, and, sometimes, life.

Congratulating the staff of the Directorate of the Internal Affairs Ministry in Smolensk region, and veterans of the law enforcement agencies on their professional holiday, the Head of the region said: "It is a good reason to be pleased that in spite of the extremely difficult socio-economic situation, the performance of the regional Directorate of the Interior Affairs Ministry for the 9 months of the current year has shown a positive trend. The number of crimes is reducing; the number of proven crimes is increasing. For the second year in a row Smolensk region ranks first among the regions of the Central Federal District to ensure road safety".

Then Alexey Ostrovskiy presented Letters of Appreciation from the Governor and Honor Diplomas from the regional Administration to the distinguished officers of the law enforcement agencies.

The event ended with a big festive concert.

On the same day, the Head of the region took part in the ceremony of laying wreaths to the memorial to the law enforcement soldiers, who died in the line of duty.

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