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  • The Governor suggested that Vladimir Sovarenko become a candidate for the post of the Head of the city of Smolensk

The Governor suggested that Vladimir Sovarenko become a candidate for the post of the Head of the city of Smolensk

The Governor suggested that Vladimir Sovarenko become a candidate for the post of the Head of the city of Smolensk

The Head of the region Alexey Ostrovskiy held a working meeting with the Chairman of the election commission of Smolensk region, Vladimir Sovarenko, during which he suggested that he become a candidate for the post of the Head of the city of Smolensk.


The Head of the region Alexey Ostrovskiy held a working meeting with the Chairman of the election commission of Smolensk region, Vladimir Sovarenko, during which he suggested that he become a candidate for the post of the Head of the city of Smolensk.

It should be reminded that at the meeting of the extraordinary session of the city council, it was decided to hold a competition for the post of the Head of the city of Smolensk. So far a competition commission has been set up to select candidates.

The Governor thanked Vladimir Sovarenko for his work as the Chairman of the regional ordinary election committee, which is currently finishing its work, and is moving on to the formation of the new team.

The Head of the region recommend Vladimir Sovarenko, being supported by the domestic unit of the Administration of the region, to begin consultations with the regional office of the party "United Russia", which has a majority in the Smolensk city Council.

In addition, the Head of the region outlined the key issues of socio-economic development of Smolensk, which really need to be looked into. The most important one among them is to ensure constant heat supply. According to the Governor, the regional Administration will be a reliable ally for the mayor's office in this matter. Also, Alexey Ostrovskiy stressed the need for a qualitatively new level of implementing measures to improve the city. In his opinion, extensive systematic work should be done to improve the level of comfort of the living conditions of Smolensk residents – to create a barrier-free environment for the people with disabilities, to provide people of Smolensk with opportunities for outdoor recreation and exercise.

Summing up the meeting results, Alexey Ostrovskiy set the main task: "The main thing, in my opinion, in case you win, Vladimir Alexandrovich, is your building up a professional team. I am convinced that the there is no need for a leader to know all areas of work in detail. This is what professional deputies, who know the issues they are responsible for more specifically, are for.

It will be great if, in case you are elected, you manage to form such a team. If you need any help from the regional Administration, we’ll be happy to give you a hand. In my turn, I, as the Governor, will provide maximum assistance to you and your office. Just as I provide assistance to the current city Administration. I hope that, if you become the Head of the city, we will continue constructive cooperation and the city Administration will continue to work together with the regional Administration".

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