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Up-to-date medical equipment to regional antituberculous institutions

Up-to-date medical equipment to regional antituberculous institutions

Governor Sergey Antufiev visited the hospital of the Smolensk regional antituberculous clinic where he examined the redecoration of the therapeutic building № 2 that also includes the surgery department. That redecoration was realized at the expense of the regional budget.

In the context of the Agreement signed between the Administration of the region and the Ministry of Public Health and social development of the Russian Federation last year they have set up-to-date equipment for surgery of total amount of 17,5 million rubles and expensive medicaments (19 million rubles) to January, 1st, 2011. That was supplied at the expense of federal means. Also they are getting a computed tomographic scanner and other medical devices.


Governor Sergey Antufiev visited the hospital of the Smolensk regional antituberculous clinic where he examined the redecoration of the therapeutic building № 2 that also includes the surgery department. That redecoration was realized at the expense of the regional budget.

In the context of the Agreement signed between the Administration of the region and the Ministry of Public Health and social development of the Russian Federation last year they have set up-to-date equipment for surgery of total amount of 17,5 million rubles and expensive medicaments (19 million rubles) to January, 1st, 2011. That was supplied at the expense of federal means. Also they are getting a computed tomographic scanner and other medical devices.

The Head of the region examined the operating room equipped in accordance with up-to-date requirements, talked to the medical staff and patients. «Without doubt putting the equipment into operation we will improve the process of aiding the consumptives. Owing to the attention of the regional Administration the clinic has been reconditioned and got 2 transportable digital units at the expense of the regional budget», - said the head doctor of the clinic Vladimir Lebedev. – «With the help of new equipment the population of the Smolensk region will have checkup quicker and so tuberculosis can be revealed earlier».

As for the new equipment there are only 7 such ultra-modern ultrasonography apparatus in Russia, one of them is in the Smolensk clinic. The ultrasonography scanner is functioning now and that improved the checkup of the patients.

«We decided to join efforts with the federal centre, accentuate the tuberculosis control and change the situation with the sickness rate in the Smolensk region. This is a very important component of our system work at rehabilitation of the population», - emphasized Sergey Antufiev. – «As for our region this problem is an issue. I think that making conditions for treatment and prophylaxis of tuberculosis, providing our antituberculosis institutions with high technology equipment are very important directions of our work in the sphere of health service. I’m sure that the undertaken efforts will allow improving the situation. Today we have the instrument of aiding in phthisiology: in 2009 they worked out and admitted a regional target program of control and prevention of socially dangerous diseases that include tuberculosis. According to the results of the previous year we have positive dynamic: the sickness rate is decreasing both among grown-up population and children. We are going to strengthen this dynamic by joint efforts».

Also on the territory of the regional antituberculous clinic there is being built an up-to-date centralized bacteriological laboratory. The deadline is this September.

«We are planning to improve the material resources of the regional phthisiology, supplying antituberculous medical institutions of the region with up-to-date equipment during the next two years», - said Sergey Antufiev summing up the visit.

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