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Salary debts are under control of the authorities

Salary debts are under control of the authorities

Vice-Governor Nikolai Kuznetsov chaired a meeting of the Interdepartmental commission for prevention of salary debts to the employees in the region, as well as development of measures to repay such debts.


Vice-Governor Nikolai Kuznetsov chaired a meeting of the Interdepartmental commission for prevention of salary debts to the employees in the region, as well as development of measures to repay such debts.

The current situation with salary debts to the employees in organizations of all forms of property in the region is under constant control of Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy and the regional Administration.

The regional Department of state employment service constantly conducts weekly monitoring of salary debts, their causes and measures to eliminate them. To do it, a special interdepartmental commission has been set up. Also, similar commissions carry out monitoring activities in all the municipalities of the region, which allows to influence the development of the industrial, economic, social and labor sectors of the districts, including protection of the rights and interests of the residents of Smolensk region.

It is worth noting that the amount of debt repaid for the period from the beginning of the year to October amounted to 138.8 million rubles to almost 10 thousand employees, in fact, 1.7 million rubles were repaid in October.

It should be pointed out that there are no salary debts in the city-forming and system-forming enterprises. This problem mostly occurs in the organizations that have not overcome the crisis, or are going through the bankruptcy procedure.

The executive authorities of the region, municipal administrations and heads of companies are constantly carrying out systematic work on the prevention of the salary debt emergence and repayment of salary debts at the companies in trouble.

A set of measures, which is replenished by new regulatory tools, is of great help in this case. For example, on the task of Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy, a "hot line" has been opened in order to rapidly identify salary debts. Its telephone number is (4812) 38-61-12.

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