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  • Alexander Beglov and Alexey Ostrovskiy discussed the implementation of the Presidential May decrees in Smolensk region

Alexander Beglov and Alexey Ostrovskiy discussed the implementation of the Presidential May decrees in Smolensk region

Alexander Beglov and Alexey Ostrovskiy discussed the implementation of the Presidential May decrees in Smolensk region

There was a working meeting of Alexander Beglov, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian Federation President in the Central Federal District, and Alexey Ostrovskiy, Smolensk region Governor, in which they discussed the implementation of the strategic initiatives of the President of Russia in the region, including the implementation of the May Decrees, orders and directives.


There was a working meeting of Alexander Beglov, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian Federation President in the Central Federal District, and Alexey Ostrovskiy, Smolensk region Governor, in which they discussed the implementation of the strategic initiatives of the President of Russia in the region, including the implementation of the May Decrees, orders and directives.

The Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Central Federal District noted that, in accordance with the tasks set by the Head of State, Smolensk region is oriented to accelerated development and improvement of people's living conditions. Since 2012, great attention in the region has been paid to such important areas as the social sector, investment policy, agriculture, and support of small and medium-sized businesses.

In 2016, Smolensk region continued carrying out 25 important investment projects in various fields with a total funding of about 60 billion rubles. Social impact resulting from their implementation has amounted to about 9.7 thousands of new jobs.

As Alexey Ostrovskiy stressed, the region has achieved such indicators in many ways due to the active campaign to support small and medium-sized businesses.

According to the Head of the region, it was managed to bring agricultural production to a new qualitative level. In accordance with the May decrees of the President, the regional Administration provides agribusinesses with the necessary state support to continue further application of new technology, modernization of production and intensification of agriculture, which allows to rapidly develop the priority areas, such as dairy and beef cattle breeding and seed production. Each year about 1.5 billion rubles, including the federal funds, is allocated to the sector development.

Another important order from the Presidential May decrees, which the Presidential Plenipotentiary in the Central Federal District drew attention to, is resettlement of residents from the emergency housing. According to the Head of the region, in 2013-2016 nearly 2,000 of Smolensk residents were resettled from emergency housing to 39.3 thousand square meters. By September 1, 2017 it is planned to have resettle another 840 people, through which 17.4 thousand square meters of emergency housing will be eliminated.

As for the healthcare sector, the priorities, goals and tasks of its improvement have been identified in the framework of a long-term strategy of the sector development on the basis of the Presidential May decrees. In particular, according to Governor, in 2016, new high-tech equipment worth over 84 million rubles was purchased for the institutions of the region. X-ray methods of research using advanced digital technology, expert class ultrasonic diagnosis, computer tomography in vascular and trauma centers are now available.

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