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The Head of the region congratulated prosecution employees on their professional holiday

The Head of the region congratulated prosecution employees on their professional holiday

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in a ceremony dedicated to the 295th anniversary of the Russian prosecution service.


Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in a ceremony dedicated to the 295th anniversary of the Russian prosecution service.

Governor greeted the prosecution professionals: "Throughout its nearly three-century history, your department, without exaggeration, has been the primary law enforcement and law protection agency of the State. Protection of interests of the whole country and every citizen are the two fundamental principles which prosecutors have always followed. It is you who the Head of the State charged with such important tasks as providing protection of the labor and social rights of our citizens, protection and support of children's rights, preservation of the state financial and material resources".

Today, the prosecutor's office of Smolensk region pays great attention to solving the problems connected with salary and wage debt elimination at the enterprises and organizations in the region, and prosecuting unscrupulous employers. "For the Administration of Smolensk Region, for me as its Head, this direction of your work is a priority. In 2016, 162 people were brought to disciplinary responsibility, 1,463 lawsuits were filed to the courts", - said Alexey Ostrovskiy.

According to the Head of the region, the supervision of legislation compliance in the sphere of housing and utility services, especially with the activities of the managing companies, is still quite relevant.

The prosecution authorities play significant role in improving the business climate, strengthening the guarantees of the rights of business entities, protecting them from the administrative pressure from both the state and municipality supervising authorities. During the past year more than 400 violations in this area were revealed, about 100 officials were brought to disciplinary and administrative responsibility.

At the end of his speech, the Head of the region said: "I am sure that we will make every effort to expand and strengthen our constructive cooperation. Thank you for the good teamwork, professionalism, efforts and dedication".

Then, Evgeny Polonsky awarded medals and distinction insignias from the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation to the employees of the agency.

After that, there was a concert featuring performers of the region.

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