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Smolensk region is inviting guests

Smolensk region is inviting guests

The Administration of the Smolensk region is starting a great project of attracting tourists to the region. The native land of the 1st cosmonaut is inviting travelers to have a tour of special places concerned with our compatriot Yuri Gagarin.

On March, 12-15 the international tourist exhibition «Intourmarket-2011» took place in the Moscow Exhibition Centre «Crocus Expo» (Moscow). This traditional exhibition is one of the most important events of the tourism.

It is organized with official support of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports, tourism and youth policy of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency of tourism, the Administrative Department of President of the Russian Federation, the World Tourist organization U.N.O. (United Nations Organization), the Russian Union of Tourism.


The Administration of the Smolensk region is starting a great project of attracting tourists to the region. The native land of the 1st cosmonaut is inviting travelers to have a tour of special places concerned with our compatriot Yuri Gagarin.

On March, 12-15 the international tourist exhibition «Intourmarket-2011» took place in the Moscow Exhibition Centre «Crocus Expo» (Moscow). This traditional exhibition is one of the most important events of the tourism.

It is organized with official support of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports, tourism and youth policy of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency of tourism, the Administrative Department of President of the Russian Federation, the World Tourist organization U.N.O. (United Nations Organization), the Russian Union of Tourism.

According to the calculation of the organizers this year the exhibition covered 32 000 square metres and gathered 1200 participants from 145 countries and regions of the world. The amount of visitors was more than 80 000 people, more than 300 journalists covered the news.

The participation of the Smolensk region in huge tourist exhibitions became traditional. The region has a great potential that is to be covered for the purpose of attracting tourists from not only Russia but the countries of the near and the far abroad.

We can say with confidence that the participation in the «Intourmarket-2011» became a real breakthrough for our region. It’s important to mention that the Smolensk region came to the exhibition together with the Kaluga region. They represented a new collective route «Walking to stars» dedicated to the first cosmonauts.

The Smolensk regional tourist and informational centre was engaged in the organization of the united exposition that covered 45 square metres. The Centre was founded for promotion of tourist products in the Russian and international markets. The original design of the stand done in «space» style with use of modern hardware attracted great attention of the visitors that had opportunity to pick up information about the Smolensk land.

A special flavor was given by the representatives of the Vyazma region that promoted their tourist product with creative ideas. Being dressed in national costumes lively young ladies and men offered the visitors to taste their firm Vyazma spice-cakes cooked according to the ancient recipes.

The efforts of the Smolensk delegation during the organization of the exposition were not unnoticed. The Head Department of international contacts, regional cooperation and tourism of the Smolensk region got a Diploma in the nomination of «For professional development during participation in «Intourmarket» exhibition».

During the four days of intense work they made new contacts, held important negotiations, planned aims and directions for work with many representatives of the tourist industry of Russia and abroad. The tourist potential of the Smolensk region is constantly exposing. We have a lot of work with all interested parts in realization of new perspective ideas.

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